• Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    I’m not Jill Stein, so I am not sure what you mean.

    Also, a vote for Stein is not a vote for Trump, it’s a vote for Jill Stein.

    I’m American and I have every right to vote for who I want to be president. Even if it’s not someone you like.

    • just_another_person@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Oh , wow. So you’re just an active idiot versus a passive. A willing, as the Russians call it.

      Where do you think Jill gets all her money from?

      • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
        1 month ago

        Yes, I am an active “idiot”. You and others in this thread inspired me to start a Green Party community right here on Lemmy World just now.

        Is that active enough for ya?

        See, there wasn’t one on here until I created it.

        So thanks for the inspiration!! Maybe someone who is undecided will see it and vote Green Party.

        All thanks to you! :)

      • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
        1 month ago

        From donations and people like me. Where do YOU think Jill gets her money from?

        And do you have proof that she has gotten “all” her money from Russia? Seems like that would be a front page news article if true.

        Have you contacted major news organizations with your proof of all this corruption in the Green Party?

        You know, you can just not like her. And that’s fine. But you don’t have to say or imply that she’s paid for by Russia. lol

        It doesn’t have to be a grand conspiracy. You don’t like her. Ok, then don’t vote for her.

        I like her. And I’m voting for her. As is my right.

        • thallamabond@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Speaking of Grand Conspiracies. I’ve got one. You are full of shit!

          Your account is 24 hours old, you demand proof of every response.

          Two of the posts you made seem like advertisements for a community college AND you seem to think you’re on Reddit in those posts.

          “incredibly proud of the place, but I’m disappointed that there’s not much info on reddit about this school, considering how amazing this small school in West Virginia is. So that’s why I created this subreddit”

          You are not being genuine, and you should go away.

          • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
            1 month ago

            Still waiting. And by the way, I corrected my post about the reddit stuff. Since I just cut and paste from my old reddit as I migrated to this site, I didn’t catch that. So thank you.

            OH and I updated the sidebar in for https://lemmy.world/c/PierpontCTC too taking about how I migrated here from Reddit.

            Oh wait, I keep forgetting that you think I am a Russian spy. Darn it. And our conversation was going so well.

            Well I guess I should get back to my Russian spying of showing my Pierpont pride for a small affordable college in West Virginia.

            Man, you caught me so bad! Wow.

            So have you sent your proof that Jill Stein is a russian spy and his paid off by Russia, to the news orgs yet? I keep waiting to see it, but hmmmm…

            • thallamabond@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              “Oh wait, I keep forgetting that you think I am a Russian spy. Darn it. And our conversation was going so well.”

              I never said that, AGAIN you did though.

              And its not even right, spy’s do espionage, At best your worthy of a ‘troll farm employee’ accusation.

              Probably going to block your long winded, associates degree having, Jill Stien Donating ass

              • TheTechnician27@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                The literal only reason I haven’t blocked this ridiculous troll yet is to downvote and call their bullshit out when I see their posts in this community and others.

                • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                  1 month ago

                  The literal only reason I haven’t blocked this ridiculous troll yet is to downvote and call their bullshit out when I see their posts in this community and others.

                  Yeah, great use of your time. I notice you are gleefully downvoting posts where I promote going to college. And being a teacher That says much more about you than it does me.


                  I don’t care tho. I’ll keep posting, you keep crying and downvoting.

                  Cuz obviously I have touched a nerve with you, because you keep following me around.

                  And you are one of the people who inspired me to start the Green Party community here on Lemmy.

                  So thank you!! Please never leave me, @TheTechnician27 :)

              • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                1 month ago

                Oh, and I wanna thank you. I JUST started a Green Party community that I am gonna be posting too.

                You inspired me to share more about the Green Party since there are so many misconceptions.

                So thank you. You may have indirectly inspired more Green Party votes.

                Thank you!!

              • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                1 month ago

                I never said that, AGAIN you did though.

                And I apologized for my error.

                But I wanna be clear, so NOW you think that I MIGHT be a “troll farm employee.” Right?

                Well of course you wanna block me. Because I called you out and asked for proof and all you proved was that you are mad that I’m voting for someone you don’t like.

                And yes, I am very proud of my “associates degree having Jill Stein donating ass.”

                And I’m also a Jill Stein voting ass too. You haven’t changed my mind at all.

                In fact, seeing how mad you are, has made me even more proud that I’m voting for her and not letting people like you bully me. :)

                Also, I’ll be posting more Green Party news. So you may wanna get your download button finger ready, friend!

          • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
            1 month ago

            So how long should I wait after starting an account before I post my opinions?

            Did you post on the first day your account was started?!

            you demand proof of every response.

            Yep. We’re in a politics sub and people where are saying she’s a plant by russia. That deserves proof.

            Why isn’t it front page news? That would destroy the Green Party which you all seem to hate.

            So where is the proof? Don’t you all wanna see the Green Party go away? Well then proof it’s corrupt. Let the media do it’s thing.

            And the posts aren’t “advertisements” for a community college. I am migrating my reddit account posts to Lemmy. And I am cutting and pasting, so good catch on the Reddit verbiage.

            In fact, keep watching that sub, because I am posting more posts right now

            Feel free to look: https://www.reddit.com/r/pierpontctc

            Notice the username of the mod for the reddit account? Check the profile and tell me what you see.

            See a similarity to my username here? could it be that I am the same guy?! Hmmmm…

            So here’s the thing. I got banned on Reddit. You know why? Because I posted in the r/politics sub several posts of why I was voting green party.

            And on reddit, even the r/poltics is supposed to be “politics,” it’s really just a pro-democrat forum.

            So how am I not being genuine because I just started an account yesterday, after being banned from reddit?

            In fact, I found out about Lemmy from reddit. From the r/alternativetoReddit sub.

            So how am I not being genuine.

            Ohhhh, let me guess. I’m in russia. And I’ve decided to post about a community college in Virginia and then talk about how I am voting green party.

            Man, you caught me. THAT’S how I am gonna destroy the US.

            Come on man, be real.

            I’m voting for someone you don’t like. And you’re mad.

            And now I can’t even post about the college I graduated from, because it’s russian propaganda.

            Think about what you are saying.

            And hey, I’m posting more stuff in my Pierpont Community and Tech college community too.

            But hey, really Russia just wants you to go to a college in West Virginia, right? Right?!

            To all the lemmy’s that don’t think every fucking thing in the world is a conspiracy: I got my associates degree from Pierpont Community and Technical college. They accept Sophia .org credits and previous college credits.

            So you can get your associates for very little money. I spent less than $200 on classes to get mine.

            Feel free to look it up. Google “BOG associates degree pierpont accepts sophia credits.”

            But hey, that’s probably a russian thing too. BEcause of course Russia wants us all to graduate from college.

          • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
            1 month ago

            So have you checked out posts from https://www.reddit.com/r/pierpontctc yet?

            So you can see the mod’a user name? And see the messages of saying that the posts were going to migrate here at this website?

            Such as: https://www.reddit.com/r/pierpontctc/comments/14b3v5a/got_my_associates_degree_pierpont_strong/lhcv84x/

            Oh, probably not yet, huh? Cuz that doesn’t fit your conspiracy theory that I am a russian spy.

              • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                1 month ago

                But wait, I forget then, what am I full of shit about?

                So you DON’T think I am a russian spy? Right?!

                Whew, cuz dude I was beginning to think you had lost your mind or something. Very glad you cleared that up. I guess my bad.

                But maybe you can clarify. What is it I am full of shit about again?

                I’m sorry I am dull. See, I graduated from a small college in West Virginia. So I’m not as bright as most Lemmy users.

                Proud of my school (hence me starting a community about it on Reddit, then on this platform). Not so proud of my intelligence.

                So can you help me, friend? What am I full of shit about?

                OH wait! I remember. You don’t like who I am voting for, so that means I am full of shit. Ok, ok.

                Wow, so you are not pro democracy then? You don’t think people should be able to vote for who they want?

                • thallamabond@lemmy.world
                  1 month ago

                  You know what, you’re worth it.

                  I don’t think YOU are full of shit, I think the green party, at least at the presidential level, is FULL OFF CRUD. They are not on the ballot in over 30 states. There are many parts of the green partys platform that I like, but they simply do not exist at a local level.

                  • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                    1 month ago

                    Thanks for clearing that up.

                    I agree, the Green Party has a long way to go. But I think one reason for that is the two main political parties have a stranglehold on politics. They don’t want Americans to have more choices.

                    In my opinion, the one thing Democrats and Republicans do agree on is keeping third parties out.

                    And many people just go along with it. I mean, just look at this thread.

                    All I did was share a news article about the Green Party, and you can see the reactions—people assuming I’m voting for Trump or claiming Jill Stein is a Russian pawn. It’s just anger. Real anger.

                    Until more people stand up against the bullying and peer pressure to vote for the main two parties, we’ll stay stuck in this cycle.

                    For the record, there are local candidates who have won office.

                    The Green Party has to keep pushing. They have to keep trying to be accepted.

                    Otherwise, it’ll always be Democrats vs. Republicans. And that might happen anyway.

                    But I’m doing my part. I’m voting for what I believe in.

                    I’m not tied to the Green Party. If the Democrats or even Republicans had a candidate I believed in, I’d vote for them.

                    I’m really just an Independent who’s fed up with a two-party system. The Green Party is closest to what I believe in. And they ARE on the ballot in my state.

                    Sorry for the long response. Brevity isn’t my strong suit.