• TheTechnician27@lemmy.world
      1 month ago


      Registered voters who didn’t vote on Election Day in November were more Democratic-leaning than the registered voters who turned out, according to a post-election poll from SurveyMonkey, shared with FiveThirtyEight. In fact, Donald Trump probably would have lost to Hillary Clinton had Republican- and Democratic-leaning registered voters cast ballots at equal rates.

      The biggest reason given by non-voters for staying home was that they didn’t like the candidates.

      Clinton, apparently, couldn’t get those who disliked both candidates — and who may have been more favorably disposed to her candidacy — to turn out and vote.

      So I can’t substantiate through hard numbers the idea that people didn’t turn out because they assumed she was winning, but we were both there. Polls ranged anywhere from a 3/10 chance to a 1/100 chance for Trump. The talk among Democrats was that we had a female president like it had already happened. If you talked to your friends about it, the consensus was that Trump was an unviable clown and that we were in for four boring-ass years of the status quo. If you ran in progressive circles, the idea was that since the Democrat was a shoe-in anyway, it should’ve been Bernie, because even his more radical ideas couldn’t lose against a trainwreck like Trump. Literally everyone was shocked when the election was called for Trump. I can substantiate through a reliable source that those who liked neither candidate but would have likely preferred Hillary stayed home and were a large factor in her not winning by such thin margins. But I have to ask you to take my hand and believe that a decent portion of those apathetic dislike-both voters who would’ve preferred Hillary didn’t go vote because of the sort of premature consensus around Hillary’s victory.