• SupraMario@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I think it’s extremely telling that you keep issuing sladerous ad-hominem instead of speaking on the facts, such as the advantages of hydrogen. The people who are criticizing H cite important things to consider and construct cogent arguments whereas you speak of (as far as I can tell) completely unjustified expectations for these problems to be ameliorated. Why don’t you speak on the potential advantage of a hydrogen future?

    You’ve not stated anything other than it’s hard to store, and that it’s pointless as an energy producer. You’re not saying anything new that doesn’t come from the anti-hydrogen crew. I’m guessing you’re one of those people who think evs are the only thing that should exist.

    Hydrogen stations utilizing solar to pull it out of the atmosphere can be drop shipped basically anywhere their is moisture in the air.

    Hydrogen ICE motors don’t really require much in the way of engineering to reconfigure the current gas ICE motors.

    Hydrogen also can be refueled in minutes not hours. Travel further on a single tank, and doesn’t require the weight that evs do which destroys the roads.

    It also doesn’t require sub stations to be put up literally everywhere to support evs.

    Now evs have a place in the world, cities mainly, but discounting hydrogen because there are problems that need to be solved is ignorant. It’s like saying evs are worthless because all the negatives I’ve just pointed out, they’re not.

    how many car manufacturers

    Is effort by a company a good indicator of the potential of future technology? If so, why are there so many companies pushing against moving past fossil fuels?

    I’m not even going to answer this…