• Tyfud@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    What about them embodies an oligarch? What about them is insincere?

    Do your have anything to support your assertions, or was this just a random ass rant to try and sound cool and like your know what you’re taking about? Because it doesn’t feel like you know what you’re taking about.

    Nothing you’ve said has been accurate or made sense yet.

    • xenomor@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      By oligarch, I am referring to a small, exclusive group of rulers that hoard power.

      I have already said that their ‘sincerity’ is irrelevant to my point and a useless way to assess people like this.

      To address the specific examples I raised:

      Providing legal cover to white collar criminals protects the ruling class that Obama served as president.

      Crafting the legal framework to indiscriminately kill civilians protects the enforcement mechanism that the ruling class needs to project power.

      Failing to defend an open Supreme Court seat opened the door to removing rights to bodily autonomy and moved us closer to a theocratic autocracy.

      Celebrating a strategy of rhetorical weakness against racists and fascist, made it easier for them to win the White House in 2016.

      Do you have anything to support your assertions, or was this just some pedantic, contrarian troll posting?

      • Tyfud@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        I’m sorry, I need to support my assertions?

        Which assertions did I make?

        I asked for your sources, and you just gave rhetoric back in response. I’ve asserted nothing, other than without you providing proof and assertions, you sound like a teenager trying to be edgy with a weak grasp of politics and world /American history.

        Your claim to try and whataboutism me on asking for supporting assertions continues to support the narrative that you don’t really understand the terms and topics you’re throwing around. Your heart is in the right place I think, but you’re coming across in a way that’s damaging to your argument or point because of some simple mistakes and erroneous assumptions you’re making and continuing to defend (like Obama is an oligarch, which he absolutely is not, and if you ever lived or visited a country or met a real oligarch, you would understand that. This de-legitimizes much of your argument to many people.)

        Of course Obama screwed up and made mistakes with to things like the supreme court position. He, wrongly, assumed Republicans would play fair and the voters would hold them accountable if they didn’t.

        He was brutally wrong. He addresses that issue, and others you’ve called out in his book and there are numerous witnesses and sources to back him up.

        But do go ahead and try to demonize him, without acknowledging that pretty much every other president in modern history did much worse. That’s not to excuse the mistakes he did make, but much of what you’re claiming is just rhetoric.

        • xenomor@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          It’s interesting to me that I keep running into some version of the following argument: Yeah, Obama kinda sucked as president, but he had a heart of gold and there have been worse, so we should celebrate him! If you keep holding these people to such low standards, you’re going to keep getting such mediocre leaders.

    • Triasha@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Made sense to me. “DO SOMETHING!”

      Like what?

      It gets the crowd fired up without providing any productive outlet for that energy.

      Barak appealed to our shared humanity. As a trans woman, he asked me to understand the views of people that wish I was dead.

      Maybe it’s good politics, but I don’t have to like it.