I will elaborate more in the replies, just be nice.

Tldr… I hate how one of the most common advice you receive as a loner without social life or a partner is to get a dog. I’m taking care of a dog for a while now as a favour, since I’m unemployed and have “nothing to do” (my brother went to his gf beach holiday house for the summer with her, his daughter, my younger siblings and my mom, couldn’t take the dog, it’s old) and I’m miserable, I HATE this. I don’t wanna have to deal with any animal after this.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    It sounds like you just don’t like having to take care of that dog, and want freedom from responsibility over another living creature. That doesn’t mean you hate dogs. I bet you’d find a Labrador puppy to be pretty cute if you didn’t have to care for it.

    Old dogs and puppies are more work than fun. The fun and companionship comes from having a dog that loves you, that you love, and them being happy to do anything you want to do. They love going places with you, hanging out, chilling on the couch, whatever. But you’re not going to get any of that rewarding stuff dog-sitting an elderly dog that you don’t even know.

    It’s easy to dislike other people’s dogs, especially if they have issues. It’s pretty hard to dislike a dog that you’ve raised, who loves you unconditionally, and just wants to please you more than anything else in the world.