I will elaborate more in the replies, just be nice.

Tldr… I hate how one of the most common advice you receive as a loner without social life or a partner is to get a dog. I’m taking care of a dog for a while now as a favour, since I’m unemployed and have “nothing to do” (my brother went to his gf beach holiday house for the summer with her, his daughter, my younger siblings and my mom, couldn’t take the dog, it’s old) and I’m miserable, I HATE this. I don’t wanna have to deal with any animal after this.

  • rekorse@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    Where do you think personal preference comes from? You are born either liking or hating dogs? You need to do some better reading as it appears you replied after reading a quarter of my post.

    And yes, someone who reacts like the OP to the situation they are in is a red flag for me. They are childish and selfish, and can’t even consider that the dog is a whole other living being that is involved in this situation.

    It shows an incredible lack of compassion or understanding and thats not even considering the attitude they have towards their actual human family members.

    I understand wanting to vent but this is not that, this is asking for validation. I would never post something so awful about myself but hey, different perspectives right.