Previews for the preceding episodes in this series here

Part 1 preview

#Bonus 1. Para Political Cannabis pt1. " A lost prehistoric cradle?" [TRAILER] 28 MAY · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 00:10:28

In the first bonus ep of the show, our Ecofascist narrative is expanded to include the long history of hemp! By supporting the show for as little as 3 Dólares you can help me produce a counter narrative against fake cannabis activists, CIA infiltrators and IG Farben.

Racing through millenniums of hemp history we get sidetracked by Chinese etymology, aquatic Neanderthals and an unknown cradle of civilization discovered by soviet agronomists and archaeologists, the hemp wars of 1812, Napoleon’s invasion of the Tsar’s weed plantations etc.

We will investigate why “The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937” was introduced at the end of not only the Great Depression and the biggest land grab by the latifundia barons in US history but also during the interregnum of the first and second agricultural revolution.

We will read about the history of the Midwestern communist farm unions who fought back during the last peasant revolts of US history. We will see who had most to gain from the confusion of hemp and marijuana. We take a look at the many plastic patents of the AgChem industry.

In so doing we will be able to finally show that the fascists involved in the Wall Street Putsch are the exact same conglomerates who knew that a biotech transition from local mechanisation to capital intensive motorization needed to involve the eradication of Cannabis Sativa L.

Spotify Paid subs link:

Patreon link:


The Emperor Wears No Clothes: A History of Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana

Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years

Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages

Worn: A People’s History of Clothing

Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence


Neanderthals Could Make String: Oldest Rope Known Found in France (Haaretz)The Home of the Aryans (Witzel, Michae)

NEW MKULTRA DISCOVERY: Terence McKenna admitted that he was a “deep background” and “PR” agent (CIA or FBI).


Jonh Holt - Police In Helicopter (12’ dub mix)

Sonny Bono - Pammies on a Bummer

Bob Marley - Them Belly Full But We Hungry (Instrumental Original)

Bob Marley - The Wailers - Exodus (Instrumental Original)

Grass soundtrack - Quit playing games with Gog

Peter Tosh - Johnny B. Goode (instrumental)

Part 2 preview

#Bonus 2. Para Political Cannabis pt2. “Napoleon learns of a particular baltic trade” [TRAILER] 14 JUN · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 00:03:10

Today continues our historical hemp journey. We move from its prehistory to the Great Nordic Wars, from the deep Middle Ages up to Napoleon. Exploring the trading, scheming, piracy, licence forging, blockading and war declaring when capitalism became international.

Focusing on this Age of Sails when an entire world depended on a single fibrous plant. So crucial to the very concept of the commodity that the largest army Europa had ever seen broke the alliance between East and West on behalf of The Isles and marched from Paris to Moscow.

Through logbooks, old letters and decrees we follow the east coast merchant houses of Philadelphia, Boston and New York, prostituting the American flag for George III, forming the dangerous, yet essential Baltic circuit of hemp trade from Russia to England and the New World.

An exciting story of modern vikings who with Napoleon’s grace, after the British bombardment of Copenhagen, hunted in gunboats Yankee barks, brigs, and full-riggers overflowing with cannabis worth millions, upping the stakes of the most profitable crossings in history.

We read what Marx and his female comrades wrote about the Russian communes that collectively grew the cannabis over which so much blood was spilled. A marriage between a plant and a mode of production which in their own words could be a direct path to the next stage of History.

So please sign up on patreon or subscribe here on spotify to access the next instalment and the rest of this bonus series on the para-politico-economical history of cannabis sativa!

Part 3 preview

#Bonus 3. Para Political Cannabis pt3. “Russia and Yankee hemp traders” [TRAILER] 9 JUL · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 00:04:02

Four faces are usually named in theories about an anti-cannabis conspiracy. Hearst, Anslinger, Dupont and at times Mellon. The story is older and much broader. Today I will begin explaining why these people and others were also involved in the fascist Wall Street Putsch of 1933.

One American old money family, described at times as the core of the skull and bones, is the Whitneys. But it was not the cotton engine that got them rich. Their fortune, as much of the bourgeoisie’s, was made during the Napoleonic wars. A war structured by hemp supply n trade.

Realising the vulnerability of an entire world market depending on a single nation’s production of cannabis, as the map of Europe was redrawn, the colonial powers went to the global south, looking for alternative exotic natural fibres and slaves for the new mono-plantations.

The 1850s onward was also an era of petrochemicals, steam and steel ships, sulphide extraction and chlorine bleaching for timber paper, it was the first truly global structuring of an agricultural commodity order, and the Whitneys show up everywhere.

Understanding the beginnings of this anti-hemp matrix will take us to Freemason-guerillas in the Philippines, reactionary US admirals, the letters of Alexander and Napoleon, Viennese sledge trade, Yamashita’s gold as well as gangsters of capitalism in German East Africa.

#Bonus 4. Para Political Cannabis pt4. “American coup d’états and Soviet Tesla experiments” 19 JUL · THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED. 02:38:28

We have reached the threshold of history, the 20th century. The possible role of hemp in the last great communist peasant uprising of the American Midwest. How FDR divided US farmers and how the Brits shutdown the first general strike in the Jute plantations of Bengal.

We will read the revival of the marines as a new becoming of an American east and west India trading company as it tries to rewrite the colonial world of natural fibres. With Smedley Butler we return to Manila, follow him to China onward to the Banana Wars of Wall Street.

China, the Hemp and Jute production of which covers almost perfectly the area which will later become occupied by imperial Japan. A point buried deep in old map archives about international fascism which can not be brought home in a tweet.

We dive into the heroic resistance of the Soviet hemp industry. How USSR scientists pursued a forgotten mediaeval quest for the original crop wild weed. A history of Tesla-coil-feminization, zero-THC Siberian strains and the cultivation of four fifths of the world’s Cannabis.

We read from the first Big-Ag documents, forgery and erroneous science misshaped by a tobacco, cotton and timber mania of the Whitney family and their many friends. The plot thickens in the eight corridors of the universe when DuPont funds Anti-Bolsheviks insurrection.

I will keep listing and bringing together seemingly separate international Rubicon moments, all of that faithful year of the 1937 Marijuana tax act. If Pompey Magnus is the consul of the world’s natural fibres then Nylon is Gaius Julius Caesar. Behold the Fourth Black Eagle.
