thank you

  • find it off-putting!). You may pat (not rub) any excess off if need be. You’ll figure out the exact proportion that works for you.

    You should do this twice a day. Don’t use any other skin products (makeup is fine). After a little while, you’ll even feel the gritty stuff coming out of your pores! It feels weird but satisfying!

    If you look up the OCM, you’ll see ppl recommending a whole hot misting routine but I never found it made any difference. Wash with oil mix, wipe off, hydrate. 4/5

    • Some also say to start with up to 30% castor oil but that is whack! Love yourself, don’t do that! A 30% mix will leave your skin absolutely parched!

      Castor oil also is great for healing. I too was a picker and everything healed much, much faster once I started using the OCM.

      Really, it changed my life, which is why I’m so enthusiastic about it. Feel free to ask any question! (5/5)