thank you

    17 days ago

    Most likely vitamin or mineral deficency.

    vitamins are a tricky thing.

    vitamin d, vitamin c, and iron will not work without copper. zink works against copper. magnesium and calcium only work together.

    its a complex topic. order a blood test in a laboratory.

    water with to high calcium hydrogencarbonate dryes out your skin, it cracks, bacteria can enter. so, if you are kinda sick, diabetic, drink to much, are eating junk, you also get vulnerable to all sorts of mites, normaly, your skin can defend itself against them, thats why people can live in all sorts of filthy condotions, and still look healthy.

    but i say some kind of deficency.

    eat lots of kiwis, get a sunburn ( i am serious) in the face, eat protein and vegtbales and fat. try some supplements.

    if you are deficient, and take what you need, your face will clear up 40 % IN HOURS, i shit you not. youll feel much better in 2-4 days, its that fast.

    but its very difficult to found out what you lack, and then its even more difficult to choose and take the vitamins and minerals in such a way they dont fight each other.

    very difficult