The conservative party of Canada is broken. They have essentially become the Canadian trump party. #Canada #SquintyMcProudBoy #HarperMinion #WorstCPCleaderYet #NoPlan #AntiChoice #FreedumbClownvoy #BaseOfRacists

    28 days ago

    Seriously? I’m being down voted? Why?

    Because you are being a hypocrite, and espousing pretty much the opposite of what conservatism stands for.

    Conservatism is all about the upward flow of wealth, from the working class to the parasite class. Why else would conservatives defund social safety nets yet also cut taxes - but only for the wealthy? Even the recent “axe the tax” movement to cut the carbon tax will hurt working-class Canadians, and provide a financial boon to the Parasite Class, who are being hurt the most by the carbon tax.

    In no single jurisdiction on the planet are conservatives “for the working class”. They are all about corporate interests; killing off unions to benefit the wealthy and powerful, re-implementing child labour, eliminating safety laws that protect workers, and doing everything to make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

    You want to protect working-class Canadians? You want to fight against corporatism? You want a healthy ecosystem for your grandchildren to enjoy? You want a strong social safety net that promotes healthy and strong communities? You want stronger worker protections and healthy wages that let everyone flourish, and not just the Parasite Class?

    Vote NDP. Because they are the only party trying to do this.

    • Funderpants
      27 days ago

      I agree with almost all of this except the idea only the NDP trying to make things better. The Liberals have done a lot to benefit the working class. We’ve had income tax cuts, the inversion of the regressive child tax credit into the child benefit, and honestly a lot more that I won’t list for fear of turning this into something like a gish gallop.

      27 days ago

      Ok then. I am not fiscally Conservative. I just have conservative values. Nuclear family, psych treatment for gender dysphoria, and preservation of the White race, as we were outnumbered a long time ago and are in real trouble of dying right out.

          27 days ago

          I can still see that comment in my inbox, and even if you remove the racist aspect, it is still deeply problematic from any position that faces a “facts and science” direction.

          Because even if we ignore the fact that we have blown 4× past our planet’s safe and healthy carrying capacity that still allows maximum health and resiliency in ecosystems (as in, let’s ignore the fact that the planet could benefit immediately and immensely by losing 3 out of every 4 humans), there is then the question of why people aren’t having children… and again, it comes right back down to conservative policies of eliminating social safety nets, taking the burden of taxation away from the Parasite Class to place it onto the working class, and “freeing the market” to capitalist shenanigans that have caused home values and other costs to skyrocket and wages & benefits to erode.

          People aren’t having children because it has become fiscally irresponsible to do so. And not just mildly fiscally irresponsible, but prohibitively so. From the 40s to the 80s, a couple needed only a few short years (or none at all, if the man had already established himself in the workplace) to afford starting a family. Homes were well within reach of even minimum wage workers, in that brand new homes in many regions were not that much beyond the other half of the one-third rule of, “a purchased home should not be more than 3× annual wage”. My own detached, single-family, split-level house was built in 1972, when the minimum wage was $2/hr, or $40k/yr. It sold in that year for only $15,900. That’s only 4× more than MINIMUM wage.

          Now? In my tiny corner, in a tourist town 3+ hrs from the nearest metro region, median-value homes are 29× that of minimum wage, and 25× of the median income. Remember - median means middle… half of all working-class adults earn more than the median income, half of all working-class adults earn less. There is no way a couple can afford a stable foundation on which to build a family without dedicating several decades to the task before a baby even arrives.

          And all this comes from Conservative “let the market decide” policies. I could enumerate all the triggers - such as corporations whose only purpose is to come in, buy up as much of a neighbourhood as possible, then rent the houses back out for as much as the market will bear to maximize their profit margins, thereby denying people an exit and leaving them locked-in as lifetime renters - but that would involve hitting Lemmy’s content limitations several times over.

            26 days ago

            Hey, I get you and agree with everything you’re saying. Maybe this clarifies my position a little better.

          27 days ago

          have you had an interaction with a conservative in the last 10 years that doesn’t feel like a troll?

            27 days ago

            Point very well made.

            These days, many conservatives seem to have taken a break from reality, preferring to focus on ideologies and ideas that have no connection to the real world.

            Even many of the things they accuse progressives of, we’re just standing there with confusion and befuddlement going, “that’s nowhere near an accurate characterization of this thing. What TF are you smoking?”

            Like that one bit in the comment that lashed out against cross dressers - WTF??