• Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
    4 days ago

    Someone should explain to those Muslims in Wisconsin

    I think you’re underestimating them. These workers and voters are educated, smart, and fully aware of the stakes—they don’t need anyone to explain anything.

    To imply they can’t think for themselves is an insult to their intelligence. They’re not pawns of the duopoly; they know exactly what they’re doing by rejecting the system that’s failed them time and time again. And I support them and their decisions.

    • Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      They are not rejecting the system. To do that they would need to leave and go somewhere else. What they, and you, are doing is refusing to participate in the system as it currently functions and by doing so allowing the system to put a fascist in charge, a fascist that will happily wipe them out.

      • MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
        4 days ago

        What they, and you, are doing is refusing to participate in the system as it currently functions and by doing so allowing the system to put a fascist in charge, a fascist that will happily wipe them out.

        I disagree. OP is 1000% aware of the results of the actions they support. They are actively participating in assisting fascists. I refuse to let them act like they’re sitting this out because they’re so enlightened about the duopoly and whatever nonsense they want to bitch about.

        • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
          4 days ago

          They are actively participating in assisting fascists.

          All that because I’m not voting for your candidate? lmao

          Also, half of the country isn’t voting for your candidate. So are you implying that entirely half of the United States are “actively participating in assisting fascists”?!

          So half of America is fascist now?! Say what, mate?!

          I’m still not gonna vote for your candidate, but wow, you seem really angry and confused.

          • MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
            4 days ago

            I couldn’t care less who you vote for. Your propaganda crusade for 3rd party candidates is where I get annoyed. Luckily you’re incredibly transparent so I don’t think you’re all that effective.

            No one’s angry with you. We just know what you are and it’s just annoying that we have to cover your spew of nonsense when we could be having much more productive and interesting discussions.

            This ends another pointless conversation with a child. Have a nice day!

            • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
              4 days ago

              Your propaganda crusade for 3rd party candidates is where I get annoyed. Luckily you’re incredibly transparent so I don’t think you’re all that effective.

              So if I’m as ineffective as you say, then there’s really no reason for you to be annoyed or concerned. Right? I mean, if I’m not making an impact, then what’s the harm in just letting me post what I want where I want?

              No one’s angry with you.


              We just know what you are

              And what am I?

              it’s just annoying that we have to cover your spew of nonsense when we could be having much more productive and interesting discussions.

              You don’t actually have to deal with my “spew of nonsense” at all. You can simply choose not to interact, skip reading my posts, or block me altogether if it bothers you that much. No one’s forcing you to comment here, right?

      • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
        4 days ago

        Again, I think you’re underestimating them. These workers and voters are educated, smart, and fully aware of the stakes—they are doing what they want to. And I support them voting for whoever they want to vote for. As I support you voting for whoever you want to.

        • cranakis@reddthat.com
          4 days ago

          I trust them. This is all bullshit hype. The vast majority of everyone are too smart to fall for this Jill Stein spoiler bullshit. But you keep pumping it. We’ll see how it turns out in the end. It’s keeping you busy at least.

          • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
            4 days ago

            But you keep pumping it.

            Friend, I didn’t write the article–I just posted it. How is that “pumping it”?

            Are you implying that there should be news we shouldn’t post or not allow to be seen? Do you know what that’s called?

            I’m not even voting for Jill Stein, brother.

            • cranakis@reddthat.com
              4 days ago

              Get fucked. You are pumping this out shit every day and your arguments are disingenuous. We’re not friends.

              But I told you, go ahead and do it as much as you like. No one is falling for this hackney bullshit.

              • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                4 days ago

                Really? Here’s my post history: https://lemmy.world/u/UniversalMonk?page=1&sort=New&view=Posts

                So, tell me, how much time do you think I’m actually spending “pumping out” Jill Stein articles (which I don’t even write)? There’s my post history for all to see. What percentage of my posts are about her or the Green Party?

                Go ahead, enlighten us.

                If news articles bother you so much, and you’d rather see less coverage that challenges your views, please feel free to contact the news orgs and tell them why you believe in more censorship and fewer choices.

                • cranakis@reddthat.com
                  4 days ago

                  How terrible would my life have to be for me to tally up your post percentages? All I know is that when I see Jill Stein show on my feed, it’s you posting it.

                  Also I’ve told you twice now to post anything you want. Why do you keep trying to make it seem like I want censorship? Is that a tactic from stawmanning 101 at the troll farm academy?

                  • Socialist Berserker@lemmy.worldOP
                    4 days ago

                    How terrible would my life have to be for me to tally up your post percentages?

                    Well, maybe don’t throw around accusations that I spend all my time posting about Jill Stein if you’re not actually willing to check the facts about it.

                    All I know is that when I see Jill Stein show on my feed, it’s you posting it.

                    That doesn’t mean I spend all my time posting about her or “pumping” out stuff about her, does it?

                    I also post a lot of libertarian articles to this community. I also post a lot of Claudia De la Cruz (socialist party) articles to this community. In fact, all of my posts to this community are about third parties.

                    Are you mad about the number of pro-Harris articles that are posted here daily?! Because there are way more of those than ones of Jill Stein.

                    Were you under the impression that this political news community was ONLY for pro-Harris news articles?! It’s not. It’s actually for political news discussion.

                    Calm down, man. I’m not even voting for Jill Stein. I post news about third parties because I’m interested in third-party political news. She’s third party. That’s it. No vast conspiracy.

                    If you are so tired of seeing me posting stuff, feel free to block me. I totally respect and support your right to do that.