• nutsack@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    i imagine that i would want to conceal carry. I don’t know that conceal carry rights are actually in danger, but I can see why conservatives are worried about it

    • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
      3 days ago

      I would be a responsible gun owner

      -Every single gun owner (self included ofc)

    • Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee
      3 days ago

      I don’t know that conceal carry rights are actually in danger, but I can see why conservatives are worried about it

      This is such a stupid thing to say. “I know that they are completely wrong, but I understand why they feel they way they do”. Why empathize with liars with violent paranoia?

      They’re still fucking wrong. Fuck their fragile, gullible feelings.

      • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 days ago

        They also don’t already have about 600,000,000 guns in just under 50% of the country’s hands with no registry to know where/who has what, a population resistant to relinquishing their arms, and a right to arms enshrined in their constitutions.

        Pandora’s box has been opened.

        Furthermore, we also have more knife crime than those other countries, and guns can be quite effective at dissuading a knife wielding attacker (ask me how I know!) So even if we had better gun laws, it’d still be prudent to carry because of all the stabbings.

        • Halliphax@lemmy.world
          3 days ago

          You don’t contain “Pandora’s box” by swinging it open further and giving more people easier access to guns and allowing them to carry them anywhere.

          Comments like this are so transparently retarded that I actually second guess myself that I’m not replying to a bot.

          • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            3 days ago

            I think the whole point of pandora’s box is that you don’t contain it at all once it has been opened, but I could be rusty on my mythology.

            • Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee
              3 days ago

              This is 100% on brand for a gun-nut. “Everyone who disagrees with me wants me dead”.

              Calm down. Living your life lead entirely by fear must be exhausting.

            • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
              3 days ago

              Very self centered way to read that. Would you not prefer a world where school shootings are significantly more rare but you didn’t have a gun when you feel you needed one? Crazy. If I was you, I’d prefer the one where I’m dead.

              • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                3 days ago

                Yet the outcome is still the same, you just spin it so me being dead is the favorable option through posing a false dichotomy as if me owning guns (never been nor will be a school shooter) is somehow directly tied to school shootings, it isn’t, yet it did directly keep me alive the one time I was unfortunate enough to have to pull it (guy with knife said “nevermind” and walked away, I don’t think the cops ever caught him and that was the last I heard of it.)

                We need to prevent people who shouldn’t have them from having them, but not in such a way that can be abused by racist/-phobic sheriffs and governers, and still allow the people who can handle the responsibility the ability to. Pointless feature or gun type bans or just making things more expensive like we mostly seem to push for are not it, they’re just another vector to keep the poor (and largely marginalized POC) down while allowing the rich in their gated communities to skate by, like the drug war. Frankly we need to actually fix the underlying socioeconomic issues like wealth inequality for instance that cause the violence to begin with rather than attempt to wish away the tools people use to commit the violence. It’s harder yes (well, maybe, it actually might be easier than removing 600,000,000 guns and stopping all violent crime by force, that’s harder than you’re giving it credit for), but it’ll actually work better than the bullshit we keep trying to pass now, and it’ll solve more than just the violence.

                But for now, until we fix that, because there’s still so much gun/knife crime, disarming people who are not a problem only serves to make them victims if they do get attacked. Go after the people who are the problem, charge them with something before they buy a gun so they can’t pass a check (don’t just ignore 41 calls about one kid so he can shoot up parkland, for instance) and try and fix the issues that drive them towards such acts.

                You may prefer to be a victim than to defend yourself, that is your right and I won’t take that from you, but I’m also not going to go after people, who have done nothing wrong, who would rather defend themselves just because some other people did something bad.