I find the detail of this Wikipedia page to be amazing. It was shared 2 months ago (thanks @SamC). The main things that have changed since then are a continued slight dip in Labour/National and a slight rise in Maori/ACT.

If you have the time and energy then remember to read the policy proposals by the parties that you don’t like as well as the parties that you do like.

  • TagMeInSkipIGotThis@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    National have also had a lot of oxygen in the first half of this year with the various missteps from Labour. They’ve also got a crap ton of money that they’re throwing in blanketing the country in their billboards. They’ve probably only been up a week or so and im already sick of them all.

    What will be interesting is seeing how Luxon/Willis perform in any face to face debates with their counterparts. I suspect Hipkins may thrash Luxon on likeability and actual ideas/communicating them. When Luxon’s being challenged on something he quite literally starts to turn red and can get noticeably short tempered.

    Willis I think is debsoc trained so would probably fare better, but since becoming deputy a lot of the policy ideas she’s promoted seem a bit factually / implementably dubious so whether she actually has a deep understanding of things is probably in question and may not do so well if a debate was on issues/facts.

    Probably a bad sign for Labour that I can’t off the top of my head think of who their deputy is at the moment - although that’s also a bad sign for National because the reason they are so heavy into Luxon/Willis is because of how unlikeable the former is!