“No need for bombs when hate will do” ~ Ulysses

  • 14 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2024


  • You know, Caths can be unhinged but working at a church (property work, not a priest lol) I can tell you that newer Caths have some sort of radicalized mind-fuck going on that is meant to reinforce their belief even harder than traditional Catholics.

    I still vividly remember casually prodding the idea that “You don’t necessarily need the bible to be moral” at a table of 20 year old Catholics and the way they looked at me made me was…intense, to say the least.

  • You’re free to talk about color revolutions and be disingenuous about discussion here if you like. I’ll give you bonus points in that you’re the first drive-through liberal that actually took the time to stop and order.

    What would you like to talk about on the menu? Hong Kong? What was originally a Chinese territory heavily exploited for over a century by British capitalists and forced to be GIVEN to the British under contract of duress? It’s funny you bring up this train of thought, because I’m curious on what the justification is.

    Is it that they deserve autonomy? Well, why doesn’t the eastern regions in Ukraine deserve autonomy? Because they’re sponsored by Russia? Is Hong Kong not sponsored by the West? Do you not see this double-think? There is nuance here; more than just “taking sides” and a hell of lot more completely obscured by propaganda that has been spinning since the Cold War.

    Or is it because of geopolitical legalese and global law dominated by a Western hegemony? What are your thoughts?

    https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1153 Some great things here; complete with resources talking about Hong Kong and other well-woven mythos about the super duper evil China that you’ve been led to believe.

  • One thing I wanted to note, while expensive now, 3d printing is gonna annihilate a lot of these steep entry costs when it becomes easier to use/to afford. Can’t wait to see it happen.

    Growing up I was lucky my dad was a machinist. Being on the border of millenial and Gen Z a lot of the old windows XP shitters were getting tossed out with some pretty hefty graphics cards for the time for CAD and design. When we had electricity it was pretty nice to be able to play space pinball and learn how to use a computer. Without that, I probably would’ve never been interested in the internet; for the better or for the worse.

  • My current partner I found a near instantaneous synergy. We both fell in love pretty much right away and we met on Hinge of all places. The texts were nice, but meeting each other in person was even sweeter when we realized both how similar we are and how many things we can share with each other.

    From that point on it was bonding, working on our relationship and growing closer to each other. I’m not quite sure how to put it. There’s certainly an immediate bond in a lot of the people I’ve dated, perhaps out of 2 of them we “gradually” grew closer. I’m the type to move fast, anyways, so I guess that could be my first preference. I don’t rush, but at the same time I like it when me and my partner are endlessly curious about each other and want to know everything right away.

    Empathy and life experience is nice. My current partner isn’t from as rough as a background as most of my others previously but they do not fail to understand the strife and struggle that a lot of people go through. Emotional intelligence, introspection; that whole thing.

    Maturity and responsibility is also a very big one. I like someone with niche interests as well.

    I could go on for a while, but while politics are important; the partner I have currently is quite politically apathetic. They enjoy listening to me talk about politics, pretty much always sides with what I’m saying about politics and understands it to the bit of deeper minutia but just isn’t particularly interested in participating or choosing a side. I have gotten them more interested in certain things, however.

    It’s taught me that allies can be people that don’t seem politically aligned at all and simply just agree with pretty much everything that your saying, but aren’t terminally online like we are to really attach themselves to labels, identities, etc. They can carry respect, be tolerant, support our cause but I guess with the high-stress field they’re in it’s hard for them to really think about things like that while studying for it. Not quite sure how others would interpret it.

  • “Counter-revolutionaries” that actively try to harm socialist projects? Sure. Far, far less than “dirty reds” and socialists (and beyond) killed in the hegemon and the third world to enforce the hegemony or protect private interests. Just ask Chiquita.

    Do you have an example where there was some unjust mass execution or “persecution” related to a “counter-revolution” accusation? Perhaps, we can look more into it and the details surrounding it. That’s my favorite part!

    Or are you talking about when a PatSoc gets cancelled on twitter.