American_Badass [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021

  • I don’t play games, but I recently tried to get this one going for my wife on steam. I ended up getting it to work, but not through steam. She really likes the game, even just the base model that’s free.

    I think there is also a lot of modding that’s done, so you could put those in.

    The issue I hit was that it also requires the EA app, and I got frustrated putting it on Linux so I just got a cracked version, which came with a ton of the DLC’s. Like, some 74 of them and every expansion.

    She says it’s a lot of options to choose from, but works fine after some tweaking.

  • Interesting, hard to tell from this, but was this racialized or most focused on the “loss of citizenship and therefore national heritage” part? Wonder what their feelings would have been on some Italian that was born in Germany. It’s hard for me to imagine caring about my own national heritage that much, but I guess it’s possible someone did.

    What a stark contrast this draws with something like Stalin’s Marxism and the National Question:

    “But this is not the case with an organization on the basis of nationalities. When the workers are organized according to nationality they isolate themselves within their national shells, fenced off from each other by organizational barriers. The stress is laid not on what is common to the workers but on what distinguishes them from each other. In this type of organization the worker is primarily a member of his nation: a Jew, a Pole, and so on. It is not surprising that national federalism in organization inculcates in the workers a spirit of national seclusion.”

  • My interview for an internship that became my first developer job, for sure. It wasn’t a traditionally “technical” interview, meaning it wasn’t the latest trivia ever. They looked over my resume, and asked me technical questions about what I had done, decisions I made for projects, etc. The team just didn’t believe in staring at people trying to code on a whiteboard.

    Got the offer within about an hour and didn’t have to interview to sign on permanently. I have subsequently always refused interviews where salary range wasn’t disclosed up front, and if I talk to a recruiter, I have always asked for contact information for a dev on the team.

    But, that’s the advantage of having a job I don’t need to leave, and having experience. I’ve heard much worse from others.

  • Yeah, that sounds pretty normal, I guess. The time-frame part is probably based on how new you are as well as the nature of the task. I did quite a bit of that type of thing when I started, basically fixing tech debt, and small stuff.

    If it’s something you want to bring up, I think you expressed yourself pretty clearly. You could schedule some time with your boss to talk about it.

    What would frustrate me would be the rework I was doing. If you could maybe even set up a short weekly meeting? Show your boss what you’re doing and they could tell you if it’s the right track or not.

  • Men are not good enough for Communism, but are they good enough for Capitalism? If all men were good-hearted, kind, and just, they would never exploit one another, although possessing the means of doing so. With such men the private ownership of capital would be no danger. The capitalist would hasten to share his profits with the workers, and the best remunerated workers with those suffering from occasional causes. If men were provident they would not produce velvet and articles of luxury while food is wanted in cottages: they would not build palaces as long as there are slums.

  • I don’t think it’s beating a dead horse, tiny tank. I was just talking to someone I know about this who was on my ass when I said the whole uyghur genocide narrative was fabrication.

    It’s pretty obvious that had China been genociding Muslims, the US state department would have been supportive of it. I don’t see how weird libs whose political identity is wanting to smugly be correct and good don’t see how their opinions are always directly in line with the US state.

    I do hope it’s a radicalizing moment for people,and maybe it is. I don’t have a good enough handle on popular sentiment for that.

  • Interesting read, comrade. Thanks for posting. I’ve always been morbidly curious about the relationship of such an overtly white supremacist state aligning with Japan, and I guess this is about what I would expect.

    Kind of interesting in the vein of race as a social construct where given the right circumstances, anyone can be drafted into whiteness or excluded from it.

    Were Italians considered aryans? I really don’t know what aryan means, I guess. I’ve heard people talk about Italians not being considered white after immigrating and I always privately thought, “what side was Italy on in WW2?” as sort of contradictory to that, though I wouldn’t say that about the Japanese. Probably some American centric problem with my thought.

  • I thought this exact thing, but the more I learned about them, it turned out to really not be true. While there is a kind of meme culture there of asking Xi to nuke the town they’re currently residing in, and pointing out all of the white supremacist symbols used by the Ukraine’s army or whatever, there is a deeper context for it.

    They don’t necessarily support every move these people make and particularly in regards to Putin there is a lot of criticism towards his social stances.

    They’re more looking at this through the lens of what a nato conflict is causing in terms of a more multi-polar world and also Russia turning away from the neoliberalism that has dominated it since the fall of the Soviet Union.

    Not saying you have to agree with it. I’m more of a centrist myself, but it’s really not fair to say this as a blanket statement with no context.

  • This is essentially what I used to think as well, until I spent more time there. There’s some stock phrases busted out, and some users probably leave it at that and don’t engage beyond it. However, they genuinely have a deeper framework for an analysis of the world than what you’re going to see from conservatives.

    Basically as part of their extremely liberal ideology, they analyze things through a materialist lens, even the non-marxist liberals there, and through that there is a lot of seeking out of what material causes and contradictions have lead to where we are which can be really neat.

    There is probably some disagreement over what is fascist, what’s not, blah blah. But it’s really not as simple as “what I don’t like is fascism”.