A bisexual nonbinary poster of memes and other things • They/Any

  • 117 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • From my understanding how a body responds to HRT is basically down to luck. Changes can be large, small, fast and slow. The chances of seeing large changes might decrease over time but is probably never zero.

    One thing to note is that we are often our worst critics. We see all the things that haven’t changed or things changed so gradually that we never noticed. These changes can be obvious to those around us while we remain blind to them.

    The question I would ask is do you want to continue taking HRT? Is it causing you an undue burden or harm? Will stopping make you feel better? Will stopping make you feel worse? These are probably things to discuss with a doctor to help you come to a decision.

  • Skirts can be hard at times. They come in all kind of lengths. The major ones are mini, above knee; midi, below knee; and maxi, ankle length. And to make things harder, they aren’t always consistent even within a brand. I don’t know what skirts you’ve tried but I like the midi length the most.

    I don’t consider myself a femboy, trans-androgynous might be the best label at the moment, so I don’t know how well my styles will overlap but here are some things.

    I haven’t done any super short shorts but I loved shorts like these over the summer.

    V-neck shirts can be very flexible. They aren’t strongly gendered on their own and can easily flex back and forth. I got this one recently.

  • I think the classic is skirt and crop top

    Elbow length gloves

    Oversized hoodies

    Short shorts

    Feminine/androgynous shoes and boots

    I think it’s going to particularly depend on what you want to do. A single cheap outfit? Then probably just a socks, skirt, and a top. Fill out a wardrobe? Head over to the women’s section at a thrift store and grab some cute things.

  • Do they need to be able to fight across the entire Pacific? Their most likely adversaries are right next door and their most likely ally is the dominant naval power already.

    I any money spent on a large carrier would probably be better spent on other things. You can spend 10 billion on a single carrier or get a fleet of ~100 F-35s. I would guess mid-air refueling and more planes will get more sorties over likely targets in a conflict than a carrier would.

    I also don’t think carriers are going to be the dominant sea power force in a future peer conflict. I think the submarine will dominate the next war. The carrier will be regulated to power projection after the sea is won and made safe to operate in.