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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2024


  • Long time “old-school” kernel maintainers don’t know Rust and don’t want to learn Rust (completely fair and reasonable). But some of them don’t want to work with the Rust guys for lots’o’technical reasons.

    It’s by far not an easy situation technically. Like this is a huge challenge.

    But some of those old-school C guys are being vocal about their dislike of Rust in the kernel and gatekeeping the process. This came to a head at a recent conference (Linux Plumbers Conference?) and now one of the Rust maintainers has quit.

    The big technical challenge is being confounded by professional opinions.

  • I don’t get why people who don’t like their content bother hating them.

    Because for good or bad, they have a significant influence in the tech world. And since they are more bad, people don’t like them.

    Take the Linux challenge, for example. They massively misrepresented the usability of Linux for the average person and for gamers. They even concluded at the end of their challenge that Linux was unsuitable for most gamers. And the release and success of the Steam Deck shortly afterwards was quite delicious.

    Then there was the bit where Linus didn’t read the warning about the package manager removing the desktop environment and just hit yes, then complained that it wasn’t his fault and that the system was poorly designed.

    The guy literally has an issue with accountability.

    You’re upset they aren’t more knowledgeable as if everyone making tech content needs to know everything.

    A better statement is that I’m upset because they preach their deep and unchallengeable knowledge and act as a be-all end-all authority in tech.

    But really I’m not “upset” by them. I just really dislike them and think they’re insufferable.

    And I don’t watch LTT. And there are plenty of other, and objectively better, channels about tech. And I watch those better channels, including GamersNexus.

    All I’ll say is I’m willing to wait and see if they improve or if they make similar mistakes.

    Their entire channel is a giant mistake. All of their content is garbage by virtue of their proven flawed and subpar provides. A process they admitted was flawed, and from what I’ve seen is still flawed with the garbage corrections in the comments nonsense they promised to fix.

    They’re just going to go about business as usual and just be a little more careful with their public image. They don’t deserve the views they get.

  • Fine, you win, I misunderstood.

    It’s not a competition, but I genuinely respect you for saying you misunderstood.

    Once an LLM is trained, it is static and unchanging until you re-train it with new data and update the model.

    Absolutely! I honestly think this is the main thing (or at least one of the main things) that prevent human-level intelligence or even sentience in LLM’s.

    Think about how our minds work. From the moment we’re born (really, it’s way before that) our brains are bombarded with input and feedback from every sense. It takes a person many months of that to start recognizing things. That’s also why babies sleep so much, their brains are kinda “training” and growing fast. Organizing all the data into memories.

    Side bar: this is actually what dreams are. Dreams are emotions, thoughts, ideas, or whatever concept a neuron or group of neurons are associated with getting triggered. When we dream it’s our brain taking the days inputs and building new connections. The neural connections in our brains are very much like weights and feed-forward process of neural activation is near identical to how artificial neural networks function. They aren’t called “artificial neural networks” for no reason.

    Here’s a useful graphic that shows things that make up “intelligence”

    A very basic definition of intelligence is “the ability to solve problems or make decisions”.

    I think the term is just often misused in common parlance so often that people start applying in a scientific setting incorrectly. Kinda how people used to call an entire computer the CPU, which like the word intelligence everyone understands what’s being said, but it’s factually wrong.

    Same thing today when people say “I bought a new GPU” when they should say “I bought a new video card” as the GPU is just a component.