• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • General tenants about being excellent to eachother, none of that smiting bullshit for people to cherrypick.

    Multitheistic with different gods responsible for different aspects of reality with the general commandment of the religion being that the best way to become closer to the gods (or specific god of preference) is to understand their creation and thus understand them (go do science!)

    Throw in some enjoyable aspects like funerals being a celebration rather than a sombre occasion; colour code the gods so we don’t even up with everything being fucking gray or gilded; And have a neat little offering ceremony for each god thats simple but unique and inexpensive so people can go all starsigny on it, offerings being a good luck thing rather than mandatory.

  • Very fun pinball frame, great since his re-work but DE seem to have a hard time hitting the mark with how quickly consumed enemies die. If they died really quickly you could use eating as a direct form of killing but its not quite fast enough for that, but its too fast to easily maintain charges for your abilities and to stop his 3 from draining exponentially. It ends up with him being a very active and still fun frame but one that doesn’t quite hit the mark for either power fantasy.

  • It really depends on the kind of vessel though. China for instance has a ton of ships but less than tonnage than the US, and if you restrict that to ships that could realistically conduct long range opperations that tonnage is buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo even lower than the UK and Japan (not combined). So Russia could just be launching 40 new patrol boats next year, or maybe 2 actual ships and 38 patrol boats.