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Joined 1 år siden
Cake day: 17. juni 2023


  • There’s a few programming languages that aren’t based around English, but they’re pretty rare and I’m not sure many people use them. It’s kind of sad because it makes programming much less accessible if you’re not an English speaker… But it’s also sort of a blessing because it’s easier to understand code you might have to interact with because it’s probably written in an English-ish language with the Roman alphabet, and you’re not stuck trying to read Japanese or Arabic or something to understand a library. I have mixed feelings on it. It’s convenient for me as an English speaker, but it also seems kind of unfortunate. I’ve heard that computer science is a field which is having a pretty big impact on the spread of English in the world, but I haven’t found a citation for that and I’m not sure I believe it.

  • Chobbes@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI don't...
    6 måneder siden

    What does it do on new hardware? Not a lot of people are running normal desktop Linux on phones / tablets, are they? Which, totally cool if it works better on those things… but I guess I’m just surprised by how much hype there is for Wayland when X just works for me and would presumably just work for most people’s use cases. Like… who are all of these people that are emotionally invested in display servers, and what am I missing?

    I mean, 20 years ago or whatever there was always the pain of black screens and X configs… but it just kind of works now in my experience?

  • Chobbes@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI don't...
    6 måneder siden

    What’s so much better about Wayland than X? I mean, I’m not really a fan of X and the security nightmare that it is, but as a user it’s all pretty plug and play these days. What does a normal user get out of Wayland? Would they even know they’re using it?

    I’d love to try it, but it currently won’t work with some software I use, so I haven’t bothered… And honestly I’m kind of confused about how everybody is talking about how amazing Wayland is (and how it seems to suddenly be the one true path for a bunch of distros) when my only experience with Wayland is people talking about how great it is and then not being able to screenshare or whatever… Which doesn’t make it seem great from the outside? That maybe sounds a bit flippant, but I genuinely don’t understand why “normal” people are so excited? I mean, I can see people caring about features like HDR and maybe that’s easier to build into Wayland than ancient X11, but I’d be more excited about the specific feature than Wayland itself which may make implementing these things easier?

  • Yeah… This maybe isn’t the nicest way to phrase it, but I’ve seen similar situations. Usually people are just kind of talking behind people’s backs, but sometimes it gets nasty :(. Frankly people kind of get bullied all the time everywhere. It’s maybe not as violent as playground bullying but people will be shitty to people at work, school, whatever. Do your best not to be a part of it, try to be self aware if you might hurt somebody else’s feelings, and try to stand up for people.

  • John Romero, though no longer at id, is famously quoted as saying that video game stories are akin to the plot of a porno - it’s expected to be there, but it isn’t expected to be good and it isn’t expected to get in the way of the game itself.

    I think this is a Carmack quote? I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if Romero felt similarly at the time, but it seems a little less their style.

    I don’t think this attitude is wrong necessarily, but it really depends! I think it’s fine to just have fun gameplay and no story, and it’s also fine to focus on story too. I feel like lately, though, when I’ve been trying to think of “games with good stories” I’ve kind of had a hard time thinking of any, or maybe I’m just being too critical? It’s certainly true that stories should be different in different mediums, so maybe what it means to be a good story in a game is very different… Maybe they’re shorter and less complex than novels and part of the story is in how the gameplay makes you feel in conjunction with the plot so maybe thinking of the plot in isolation isn’t very fair to it either…

    To be honest I’m real turned around on this stuff lately. I’ve always really liked video games, but a combination of getting older and having more responsibilities and having my values change is making me think a bit more critically about them lately and I’m having more meta thoughts about why I like them (which is maybe a bad thing because it can kind of spoil a thing you love a bit, haha, but I think it’s also good to think about these things on some level). Part of this is because my partner doesn’t really like video games, which is fair… They also don’t really like the violence and stuff, which makes me question this a bit too. To be clear, they’re actually super supportive and encourage me to play more games and stuff… But it still makes me think a bit and it makes me think about what they would like and why I like the games that I like (or why I have enjoyed them in the past). I’ve never been particularly scared of video game violence or anything, but I will admit that upon reflection… I kind of don’t want to shoot a bunch of people? And it kind of makes sense that it’s a popular genre because it’s really well suited to the input methods we have and it’s something that ends up being satisfying… But I don’t like war, and I don’t like violence, so it’s kind of weird to have this be a thing that I do all of the time? Not sure how I feel yet.

    Dusk is fucking great, but yeah, story wise it’s kind of nothing, other than some kind of x-filesy weird mystery kind of stuff I guess. But yeah, it doesn’t need a great story.

    Honestly… I don’t think Bioshock holds up very well these days. I like it and have enjoyed it, but I think it’s mostly a cool setting and idea and falls really flat if you take that away. The story has some interesting stuff but it’s pretty clunky and just feels a bit clumsy. I still like it, of course, but I’m not sure I’d show it to somebody in order to demonstrate how games have great stories, you know? Also Bioshock Infinite really doesn’t hold up in my opinion.

    I thought about New Vegas too. It’s arguably more of an RPG and the open world stuff maybe puts it in a different category altogether. It’s a very interesting way to tell a story, though, especially with the links between the DLCs and stuff. I go back and forth between thinking it’s really well done and kind of overrated, haha. I think the world and factions are interesting, but any individual peace of dialogue or quest isn’t amazing, it’s more how everything fits together in aggregate that makes it interesting. It feels like it’s a somewhat innovative way to tell a story, but not fully perfected and polished yet? And Fallout gameplay is certainly far from perfect, haha. I do keep coming back to it, though… Literally started a new run a few days ago.

    Anyway, I feel like I’m coming off too negatively :). These are all great games in their own ways! I’m just putting too much scrutiny on things to my own detriment, haha.

  • Titanfall 2’s campaign is very good… I’m not sure if I would call it the “single best campaign to be included in a first person shooter ever” and I feel like that might be overselling it a little bit, but maybe not? I think the main thing that gives me pause is that while it’s great, it still feels a little weirdly like it’s tacked onto a multiplayer game (I think it’s the fact that there’s kind of a huge selection of weapons to the point that it’s a little hard to keep track of and stuff), and I didn’t think the story was all that interesting.

    That said… If I’m being perfectly honest, I’m not really sure what campaign I would consider to be better, and Titanfall 2 has at least one very high point! The story isn’t particularly amazing, but I’m not sure if any first person shooter has a particularly fantastic story… Hell, the more I think about it lately the less sure I am that any game has a particularly good story (though maybe “video game story” is just kind of its own category and can’t really be compared to novels or anything else).

    I think Half-Life 2 and its episodes are what I think of most immediately when I think of “best single player FPS campaign” and I feel like the lore in Half-Life has a bit of a more interesting mysterious vibe to it… But there’s sort of not much to the story either (kind of intentionally, I guess). I’d also be unsurprised if somebody thought Titanfall 2 was better than Half-Life 2.

    In sum… HMMMM. Food for thought! Saying Titanfall 2 has the best single player campaign in a FPS feels wrong to me… but I’m actually not sure I disagree with that take. I think lately I’ve also been having a hard time enjoying first person shooters too. I like them, but I guess the violence is starting to seem kind of dull these days :/.

  • There’s operations that treat bits like floats and operations that treat them like various kinds of ints, but the meaning of bits is in the eye of the beholder. There’s even good examples of mixing and matching integer and floating point operations to clever effect, like with the infamous fast inverse square root. I feel like people often think mathematical objects mean something beyond what they are, when often math is kind of just math and it is what it is (if that makes sense… it’s kind of like anthropomorphizing mathematical objects and viewing them through a specific lens, as opposed to just seeing them as the set of axioms that they are). That’s kind of how I feel with this stuff. You can treat the bits however you want and it’s not like integer operations and bitwise operations have no meaning on supposedly floating point values, they do something (and mixing these different types of operations can even do useful things!), it just might not be the normal arithmetic operations you expect when you interpret the number as a float (and enjoy your accidental NaNs or whatever :P).

    The difference of static and dynamic typing being when you perform the type checking is partially why I consider it to be a somewhat arbitrary distinction for a language (obviously decidable static type checking is limited, though), and projects like typescript have shown that you can successfully bolt on a static type system onto a dynamic language to provide type checking on specific parts of a program just fine. But obviously this changes what you consider to be a valid program at compile time, though maybe not what you consider to be a valid program overall if you consider programs with dynamic type errors to be invalid too (which there’s certainly precedence for… C programs are arguably only real C programs when they’re well-defined, but detecting UB is undecidable).

  • I kind of feel like “untyped” is a term that doesn’t really have a proper definition right now. As far as I can tell when people say “untyped” they usually mean it as a synonym for whatever they consider “dynamically typed” to mean (which also seems to vary a bit from person to person, haha). Sometimes people say assembly is untyped exactly for this reason, but you could also consider it to have one type “bits” and all of the operations just do things on bits (although, arguably different sized registers have different types). Similarly, people sometimes consider “dynamically typed languages” to just be “unityped” (maybe monotyped is more easily distinguished from untyped, haha) languages at their core, and if you squint you can just think of the dynamic type checks as a kind of pattern matching on a giant sum type.

    In some sense values always have types because you could always classify them into types externally, and you could even consider a value to be a member of multiple types (often programming languages with type systems don’t allow this and force unique types for every value). Because you could always classify values under a type it feels kind of weird to refer to languages as being “untyped”, but it’s also kind of weird to refer to a language as “typed” when there isn’t really any meaningful typing information and there’s no type system checking the “types” of values. Types sort of always exist, but also sort of only exist when you actually make the distinctions and have something that you call a “type system”… In some sense the distinction between static and dynamic typing is sort of an arbitrary implementation detail too (though, of course, it has impacts on the experience of programming, and the language design makes a bit of a difference in terms of what’s decidable :) (and obviously the type system can determine what programs you consider to be “valid”)… But you can absolutely have a mix of static type checking and dynamic typing, for instance… It’s all a little more wishy washy than people tend to think in my opinion).