
My name is Dee, I hope you like me, if you don’t the block button is free.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I’m fully aware of that thanks, I was responding to:

    The moment you get actual content creators to move off twitter and provide their content on mastodon, I’m deleting it too.

    And saying from the perspective of a content creator, that’s an issue that’s hard to overlook. So mastodon won’t get to that point of having all the content creators if there isn’t something to help them share their content. I don’t know what the solution would be, maybe a separate feed with an algorithm that people can switch to if they want.

    Edit: and the antisocial comments below is why mastodon will never take off with the larger population and therefore never really compete with Twitter, Threads, or BlueSky for content.

  • At first I thought this might be an overreaction to be perfectly honest. But I just read through some of the Dev responses in the AMA… what the fuck is the issue with removing exploding heads from join-lemmy??

    The other questions on the development itself weren’t awesome but wow that comment chain about join-lemmy is something else.

    I could overlook the CCP support if they keep it on their instances but funneling people into an instance like that… I’m not sure how to feel about Lemmy either TBH.

  • but its a little intimidating haha.

    Welcome to GURPS, there’s a lot lol

    Any recommendations for me to bring to a oneshot night to show why Gurps is neat?

    That’s hard to pinpoint for me, honestly. The thing that makes GURPS neat is how it can be used for any setting you can imagine, so it’s difficult to try and encapsulate that in a single session IMO. I’d try to find out what the group prefers as far as setting goes and then choose based on that. If you’re running it for strangers then just pick what setting you prefer.

    This is a handy resource for a full listing of GURPS one-shot adventures. On that page you can see which setting each one shot is in for a general flavor of what you’d be running. Searching that site for articles tagged with GURPS will also get you some more results listed chronologically.

    If you’re REALLY intimidated or at least worried your players might be, you can always start with GURPS Lite too. Although, that’s for 4th edition.

  • Ha, I didn’t even realize it was out.

    That’s what happens when the core DC audience rejects the movie because you refuse to recast the garbage human that’s playing the protagonist. As an Enby, Ezra makes me even more angry because when you mention non-binary they’re typically the first celebrity that comes to mind for a lot of people. I’m glad that they’re likely never going to be able to land any more large movies like this.

  • For what it matters, I think the most important thing to take away from what I said is that the houseless are not a monolith. As soon as somebody says “all houseless do X” know that they’re talking out of their ass. All houseless people do not do any one thing, because they’re all individual people with their own wants and needs.

    I think it’s great you’re questioning those feelings you’re having though and wanting to help more. That’s where I started. Even if the progress is slow, as long as you’re moving forward in that direction it’s a good thing. Best of luck to you 😊

  • What is your opinion on giving money to houseless people you see IRL?

    I live in the PDX area and so run into a lot of houseless people. For me, it varies. The houseless are not a monolith. There are many, many different kinds of houseless for how they got there and why they’re there now. Many just need a bit of help to get back on their feet, many others don’t want help. You just have to talk to them to get to know them. I’ve had many conversations with them on the train and there’s a lot of good people out there who were given a tough break. I don’t give to every one of them, but the ones I know it will help I try to when I’m able.