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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • The guillotine?! Which your brain/consciousness can stay functioning for 30 sec and up to like 4 min? That is better than nitrogen asphyxiation?

    Now by all means by your criteria, yes it is fast and there is very little room for failure. However I think we still don’t know if it is as painless as we perceive it to be with how long you can stay concieous.

    Regardless I am also of the same mind that we could move away from capital punishment as a society.

  • Has anyone not seen Pacific Rim…

    I jest but I am one of the thousands of govt employees that will be furloughed if the govt shuts down.

    I really hate to get into conspiracy theory territory but I think Jan 6 was a precedent setting situation to further the GOP agenda to make any kind of march because of this BS that is being pulled by certain politicians to try to remove them will be met with the whole see the other side is doing it and they are bad.

    I really hope I am wrong and I am reading the situation wrong, but with the way things are going…who the fuck knows.

  • That is not exactly true. While it is true that the military brought Starlinks over to Poland and Musk gave 1500 units to Ukraine as well. There was a lot of back and forth because technically you are not supposed to use a commercial product for actual military operations. For everday activities it was fine but when Ukraine started sending drone feeds over the systems and supplied those feeds to the US Forces, it sort of crossed a line and they had to start negotiating the terms in the contracts as well as scaling back the usage. So all along Musk has been walking a fine line with being complicit with his tech being used for war and trying to avoid it.

    Let me clarify I am not a Musk apologist, I am just adding some context. I still do not like that he can seemingly over reach like this, but if the terms were not in place and negotiating was not done he is within his rights.