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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023

  • I remember playing an anime game on my phone in high school, and this one classmate made fun of me for it. Not because of anime, he already knew I watch them and didn’t (seemingly, at least), care one way or the other. But because the game has a hub-like area where the characters are shown in a chibi design. He kept pestering me after that to try out Barbie games.

    The “best” part? Dude literally said the game looked fun when he saw me playing the actual gameplay, and even asked me to let him play a round. Then the round ended, saw the hub, and he did a 180 on me and on the game.

    To this day I don’t feel comfortable watching certain anime in public. I’m not even talking about ecchi here. Just basically any stuff that is “girly”.

  • I appreciate that you call people out on these things. My experience with pointing things out or seeing online conversations where someone else pointing it out has been very different. That’s not to say what you’re saying doesn’t happen. It’s probably just different based on where exactly on the internet we’ve been. Granted, leftist areas of the internet has this issue less, but it’s not zero.

    Like let’s take a conversation about men that are virgins. The more comments there are, the more likely it is that at least one person will make fun of this category of men. And in the cases I’ve seen, any attempts to counter this is met with “Lol the virgin outed himself”. Very rarely does an actual conversation happen (again, in the cases I’ve seen), because any arguments brought forward about why we shouldn’t shame men for being virgins is shot down as invalid because the person bringing these arguments is a virgin. Or heck, he might not even be one, but the other person has already made up their mind on the virginity status of the commenter.

    And the fact that it’s present, albeit not as often, in leftist spaces as well is really harming and it can push people in the other direction. I’m in my 20s, a leftist man and a virgin, but I was fortunate enough to form my opinions on a lot of issues without encountering douchebags like Andrew Tate. But what about someone that’s a teenager right now, doesn’t have any opinions on political stuff yet, but sees the left that’s fighting for no discrimination, making fun of virgins, which he is? He goes to see what the other side is saying, and boom, he’s trapped in there now. Of course, the past couple sentences is my idea of what might go through this hypothetical guy’s mind. So it’s not that I think the left as a whole makes fun of virgins, but from where my example guy is standing, it could seem that way when a lot of people say those things and they go unchallenged.

    Sorry for the long rant, but it’s basically a really long way of saying: I’m glad you’re calling this shit out and keep at it!

  • This was one of my early questions and one of the first reasons that started pushing me away from religion.

    At one point I asked my religion teacher in high school something among the lines of “So if a hypothetical person is the most good person on Earth from all the ways of looking at things, except he doesn’t believe in God, does the latter invalidate everything else and he’d still go to hell?”. She pretty much said yes.

    Luckily she was chill about some of us in the class not believing. We just agreed to disagree, and while there were multiple debates on various religious subjects started by someone in the class questioning something she was saying, it never got heated.

  • I liked Kotatsu for some features, but I ended up trying Mihon after seeing it mentioned a lot, and it has most of what Kotatsu does.

    And I also had trouble with Kotatsu’s sync. It synced my library, but it wouldn’t update read chapters between devices. So if I read up to, say, Chapter 14 of a manga, then did the sync and read Chapter 15 on the other device, the first one would still have me at Chapter 14. Also, not really sure why, but activating the sync on the second device was kind of a pain. I had no trouble setting it up on the main device, but then the second one wouldn’t open that screen where you can load your library. I ended up having to make my way through some well hidden settings outside the app (as I figured out that the screen it was meant to open was basically a redirect to the phone’s settings), and it wasn’t even worth it, since it’s not properly being synced anyway.

  • There also seems to be a mistake in the first map. Down where it says “The least obsessed with spending time online”, all three countries actually have the same time as the country above them, from the most obsessed. Japan should have 3:45, but it’s noted as 9:38, same as South Africa above it. I could at least tell their actual average from looking at the country, but I can’t do the same with Denmark since the text is too small on the map for it.

    At least the second and third map don’t have that issue, but yes, the color scheme is odd.