• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • So, with this update how is Arena commander now? Once in a blue moon I would download and play it, but it always seemed a little buggy. I specifically remember having issues with the flight models (fighting with the AI was a lot of ‘knife fighting’, where we would each fly at each other at high speeds, slightly damage each other, and then turn around, but maybe that was my fault).

    I also remember the missile system either straight up not working or being OP and immediately killing ships (including mine).

    Arena Commander being great is a big dream of mine. I just want to sit down and dogfight in space alot of the time. It would require significantly less work than Elite where I have to fly around and find a combat area/mission to dog fight (and in the end I only really break even b/c the cost of the ammo I was using sucks up any money I made on the contract…)