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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • Actually that is a human right. Countries are free to ally with whatever country they want pending any previous agreements. Eastern European countries made zero promises and had zero obligation to not join NATO. Russia doesn’t have fucking “dibs” on them, just like the US doesn’t have “dibs” on Canada or Mexico. I wouldn’t have a problem with Mexico or Canada willfully joining an alliance with China because that is, in fact, their right to do so. And it would speak volumes to how far relations would have had to deteriorate between them and the US to get there, but that is their right to do so. Maybe if Russia wasn’t such a shitty, untrustworthy neighbor, more countries would be willing to ally with them instead of NATO, but hey, that’s Russia’s problem.

  • Tbf, we should still be laughing at Columbus. He didn’t prove the Earth was round, we knew that already. He died believing he had “discovered” India. That and he was a racist, baby killing, monster that inflicted such barbaric actions towards the Native Americans that even members of his own crew were like “Whoa there. They might be godless savages, but this is really fucked up. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  • The problem is not any blue will do. I can see them ignorantly pushing Harris. Hell, I can see their out of touch asses trying to push H. Clinton again. Democrats are pros at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    People have been talking about Newsom, or Booker, or even Warren. And… Well maybe, but even they don’t seem popular enough to take on Trump.

    I can think of like one person in the whole country that could unite the base, Michelle Obama. Unfortunately, she appears to have zero interest in running, and who can blame her?

  • My take is fucked up only because we continue to ascribe reproduction as some noble, precious thing; rather than a wildly irresponsible and selfish act.

    Imagine a couple is driving a truckload of garbage to dump in the ocean. They have no reason to do this except some primal instinct that tells them to, all so they can point at the pile of floating garbage afterwards and say “look, that is MY garbage”.

    Now imagine on the way to the ocean, the truck loses a tire and they crash off the road next to a garbage dump, and all the garbage in their truck goes flying over the fence and into the dump.

    Then these people want and expect sympathy from others because they lost their garbage. They were really looking forward to standing on the beach and watching their garbage float free into the ocean and cause more of a mess. Oh no, boo hoo, fate accidentally caused them to do the right thing.