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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • Thanks so much for your insight!

    I’m a self-taught programmer as well. Started with the basics way back when like Atari basic, GWbasic, built into Forth of all things, then C++/C#, PHP, JavaScript, etc., then into frameworks like Node, React, Vite , Laravel, CakePHP and stuff.

    I followed the Ruby online tutorial. It seems a lot like Zoho’s Deluge, but I heard it isn’t as optimized as Rust, so thank you for talking about Rails :) I’m excited to see what I can build!

    Also thanks for the warning about outdated Gems.

  • I’m glad my company speaks a different language than English, and can’t use all the word soup completely. That said, my company is also wondering why my timesheets never add up to the entire day because always in meetings, scrum, or “can we jump on video chat for a sec because it’s easier to explain vocally than in writing”… And that “sec” turns into a 30 minute tutorial I have to give.

  • I will jump on here and also suggest trying to see if ibuprofen or advil will work for you.

    I have had debilitating migraines as well since around 10 years old. Can’t see the dead center of my vision when one starts and then within 15 minutes I get the sparkles that begin to cloud my vision.

    If I take Aspirin during that time, it can stop my migraine. I found this out much later in life, after experiencing the horrible pain and vomiting. My doctor has since prescribed me a chewable form of Zolmitripan if it gets worse and I end up vomiting all day.

    The lighting in your room can also affect the migraine symptoms. LED light flickering at bad frequencies also triggered migraine.

  • Thank you so much!

    I can definitely see a few parallels as well. I drifted into role playing as well, which helped with a bit of my anxiety and autism. It helped me role play myself out of weird situations and help allow me to behave better in some social cues.

    The clutter is interesting, because despite the fact it exists and may be an eyesore to others, I know exactly where things are. Maybe some of the agoraphobia is caused by not knowing where or what things are around you. I get flustered when I don’t create the mess. Heh.

    I had a Fitbit watch for a while, but all the data it was offering me felt overwhelming.

    I appreciate all the tips and descriptions about yours. :) Thank you!

  • Uhm… I hate to bother you, but as a fellow “suspected autistic after testing AND agoraphobic”, how does agoraphobia affect your day to day life?

    I’ve known I was agoraphobic since I was 7, crossing large, empty, school fields to go home. The fear of that open space, even if you can see everything because there’s no foliage, there’s something off about it. I would deal with this by listening to music. I had a walkman that I would listen to religiously to help. I remember banging out some good Savage Garden in the high school fields. Heh…

    Even now, I have issues with small bedrooms in my house, boosting anxiety when I can feel the empty space without clutter. Even sitting in larger vehicles can trigger this feeling.

    How are you affected, and how do you manage?