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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • The 1949 geneva conventions have been rattified by (afaik exclusively): all UN members, palestine, the holy see and the cook islands. The singning binds the signee to uphold these rules for themselves. How then could the UN, who as you said is “just an extension of its member states”, not follow the morals you yourself held as the absolute standard?

  • If you agree that humans alone can’t claim what is universally right and wrong, then that is a first step towards religion, but I will leave that aside.
    It seems like you agree that you have no basis on which to claim, with a degree of authority, that someone has to adjust their actions in your vicinity. If you don’t contest this then I will leave this discussion, as you have confirmed, that you can’t just forbid others from dressing in a certain way.
    If you do not agree then I would like to understand how you can say that “morality is an entirely human inventes concept, no one has any foundation for it…” and then go on to say that somehow you can in fact impose your morality on others, as I understood it because their “made up stories are just way stupider than others”? According to which scale? One that does suddenly pop out of nowhere and is absolute for all humans?

  • Most governments indoctrinate their people with lies. Christianity and islam and strongly against xenophobia (I don’t have much knowledge about judaism, so can’t speak for or against it). Same goes for rape. Slavery is legal to this day in the USA for example.
    I hope you can see my point, that standing on the moral basis of the modern western societies can make it seem like people, who live their lifes following different rules, may be “backwards” or “morally inferior” but you are lacking the logical foundation to claim something like that.

  • How would you derive that someone “dislikes jews because they are jews”? Do you listen to them talk and make a decision following your gut? Do you make an MRI image of their brain and measure their brain waves to read their mind?
    You would have to work with their past actions. And then it becomes non trivial to define “anti-semite”.
    So it is not really about “what does the word mean” but “how do you decide who fits the definition and who doesn’t”. People are concerned about this because it is very hard to make a law that 100% only fits to the people you want to target (leaving asside wether the principle is correct or not).