• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It’s in the video provided in the article. It’s pretty complex and lengthy. You have to put in like 3 cheat code menu entries, then go to a level select option and hold down l1 and x, then the disk will stop, oh you had to keep your disc eject propped down so the console won’t detect the tray has been opened, switch out the disc, hold like triangle and x, let go of l1, triangle and x all at the same time, then it will boot into whatever pirated disc you switched out without the checks.

    I can see why it’s not in the article, it’s hard to accurately write down and it would be almost as long as the article itself. That said, I don’t know how much of a godsend this is, it requires a copy of a pretty undersold and otherwise mediocre game. That said, I am not that into retro gaming so maybe this is truly a major change for the community.

  • Sure, it was a bit hyperbole but I’ve certainly seen that exact thing on Arch/Manjaro, one of the more popular distros. I’ve also seen a handful of updates on Fedora and Ubuntu just fully brick the system. My whole point with that was that Windows checks its updates against far more configurations than a single Linux distro ever could. One of the most common things I’ve seen Linux do on multiple distros is update the Linux kernel without waiting for all my installed kernel modules to be updated to work with that version. In a lot of cases, this has left my computer unbootable until I rescued it either changing grub or using another live CD.

  • things that are marked as working do work, sounds like user error

    That’s the exact sort of bullshit community pushback I am talking about. That shit right there is why Linux is being held back. Frankly, if your OS could be held wrong by someone who writes in C++ and has 8 years experience using your OS, then your OS is fundamentally flawed.

    they’re viable

    For some specific workflows, sure. If you only need a browser or have locked down hardware like Android/ChromeOS/SteamOS SURE! If you want to use a computer like a productive device you can do anything on, likely not going to work with Linux. You can believe all you want that the only reason Linux doesn’t have a larger foothold in gaming is Windows comes pre-installed but the truth is that Linux usage dropped from in 2014 compared to 2020. Linux in 2014 was 1.1% and in 2020 it was .91. The major rise recently of Linux on Steam was because of the steam decks. So yes, Linux is great when everything is locked down and a large company with direction is supporting it. Otherwise, on desktop, it’s not for most people.

  • If he does have mental health issues stemming from this, then he should have just deleted all his accounts, accepted responsibility from his actions, and moved on to something else and work on his mental health.

    I mean, I think he’s done that. He’s deactivated his Patreon, deleted his YouTube channel, and said that he’ll comment more when his mental health is better. Maybe I am a soft-hearted fool but it sounds like he’s done just that.

    That said it’s important to remember everyone is human and makes mistakes.

    As for what I’d do differently. I don’t know, I don’t think anything else could have been done differently I supposed but it just feels not great.