• 1 Post
Joined 6 måneder siden
Cake day: 13. januar 2024


  • It used to be a quick trick to find good forum responses but since google doesn’t care about any forums but reddit anymore it doesn’t really work like it used to.

    Yeah, this time was pure frustration, especially due to all the top and AI responses being from before microsoft dropped their display.cpl.

    Literally zero answers across google, bing, yahoo, and ddg, just google was the only search engine shitty enough to block be for it.

  • I like this post because it goes a long way to proving that highly technical jobs have depths of nuance that your average laymen will never even consider.

    Like when you see ‘hacking’ in movies, as an IT guy it makes me hardcringe every time.

    Another example of this is how Hollywood portrays ‘poor’ families as having houses 3x larger than anything you could ever afford and two cars but they are just making sad faces all the time.

    Because that’s what struggling is to hollywood writers, they lack the nuance to understand what being poor really means.

    The problem is that these media images being made are MORE compelling to people who don’t understand the nuance. That tray of utensils looks fine to me as a knowlessman and I would feel that whatever content was hosting it was medically reliable.

    You as a professional know it is ridiculous only because you have the practical experience that the artist lacked.

    The real danger is when people start believing the artist more because of how much more aesthetically pleasing they can make their misunderstandings, and trust me it is a real danger.

  • Just look what happened when lockdown gave the natural world a chance to breathe.

    We COULD offset a fucktonne of CO2 if we changed our lifestyle.

    But do you remember HOW FUCKDAMN HARD half the population fought against that literally while their grandparents were dying in agony?

    Keep that in mind when you consider any monolithic action of altruism.

    Can we stop global warning with radical changes to our consumption?

    Absolutely yes.

    Will it happen?

    Not without direct government action.

  • Moira_Mayhem@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlJust sayin
    6 måneder siden

    One other thing to point out is that agriculture allowed for large mobile armies.

    For hunter gatherers it wasn’t easy to stockpile enough long term storage portable food to take to war, nor could you predict periods of bounty (which is why so many ancient cultures had prohibitions to making war during winter that almost no one broke) to plan long term campaigns. This style of sustenance also kept nomadic band population low as following the herds and the reduction of ease of hunting and complications in moving gave significant advantage to smaller social units.

    We see a radical increase in social group size with the advent of agriculture, eventually leading to more permanent town and eventually city living instead of nomadic bands as you generally needed to be in one place to keep others from taking your crops and tending them year round.

    I fully understand that there are a lot of luxuries and even just basic life improvements that wouldn’t be available to us if we had kept as small hunter gatherer bands, and maybe a lot of people alive now couldn’t survive or thrive in that kind of environment, it would be a very, very different world than what we know today but one thing I do know is that of we had never discovered agriculture we would never have eventually become a species that could kill off 95% of the life on the planet with the press of a button.

  • Moira_Mayhem@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlJust sayin
    6 måneder siden

    No I’m serious, and I understand you mean well but I can’t have this discussion meaningfully with you without writing 8 paragraphs of context.

    There’s a lot of what Pratchett called ‘lies to children’ when it comes to non-university anthropology, things we learned in school that were kind of outdated already and gross oversimplifications.

    We were told that agriculture allowed the free time to specialize and was the beginning of culture but the truth is that all that hunter-gatherer man needed to hunt to feed himself and 3 other people was about 6 hours of actual work a week. And specialization already existed with stone knapping and pottery.

    There’s a lot more to it but I don’t really have the patience to keep writing this.

  • Moira_Mayhem@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlJust sayin
    6 måneder siden

    It goes back to when good agricultural land discovered to be so ridiculously effective at feeding people.

    Not the beginning of wealth, but certainly one of the oldest still used store of wealth.

    So much has been fucked up by discovering agriculture, it was also the beginning of institutional slavery.

    1. Current blockchains are inefficient, proof of work is not the only way to process blocks. Do you have any idea how inefficient internal combustion engines were only a decade after they were invented?

    2. It’s not about ‘need’, blockchains simply do public, highly tamper resistant and frictionless asset transfer ledgers better than any other proprietary system in existence.

    You don’t ‘need’ to light your barbecue with a match because we invented much safer and better high tech ways to start your grill. Blockchain is that.

    Your arguments are literally the same thing tens of thousands of people a month say with zero original thought or evidence that you actually researched what you parroted.

  • Edit and Full Disclosure: I own approx. nine dollars and twenty five cents of Gods Unchained cards in NFT format. I have never bought a profile picture or spent more than ten bucks on NFTs. I do not speculate on or day trade any form of NFT.

    The way the world thinks of NFTs right now as just stupid profile pictures is like a boomer teacher using chalk on a smartboard.

    Everyone is so blinded by the conmen that no one is allowed to talk about the useful functions.

    Everyone just jumps on the ‘NFT BAD’ bandwagon.

    Gods Unchained proved this. It’s a trading card game where all the cards are blockchain NFTs meaning:

    1. The owners of Gods Unchained do not control the trade market, and don’t take a cut. FINALLY a digital card game where people can actually trade cards with each other like IRL.

    2. If the game vanishes tomorrow, I still have my cards, and other game designers can create programs that use them.

    3. Impossible to counterfeit or cheat add cards

    There are so many excellent cases for the capabilities NFTs:

    A) Streamers protecting and controlling their content, taking that power out of the hands of the platforms so the platform cannot reuse the streamer’s content without a transaction.

    B) Creator contracts can be embedded in the NFT, making an unalterable, publicly viewable record and preventing platform caused creator abuse. Additionally compensation can be automated and made fully transparent to all.

    C) Allows creators to package their premium content in a platform agnostic way meaning you don’t have to rely on users syncing up their platform, patreon, and funding source, allowing the same premium content made available to the purchaser on whatever platform they choose to use. This is extra helpful now that so many streamers use twitch and youtube at the same time.

    D) Time gated content that doesn’t run the risk of early leaks, automated content release as well (say when kickstarter stretch goals are met)

    E) Any digital function on any platform with an API can be triggered programattically by code embedded in the NFT.

    Most people who have heard the word ‘NFT’ thinks they’re all stupid links to a picture archive somewhere, but they can be SO MUCH MORE.

    Unfortunately, everyone being funny has chased away all the gifted devs so this technology is going to just stagnate and fade away like the Tassimo and 3dtvs and other technologies the world just wasn’t ready for.