• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • I said I was a bigot, I never said why. You ran with that because it fit your narrative.

    Keep on with the good fight, social justice warrior, I’m sure someone will come along and pat you on the back for being an exception human being and for showing me the error of my ways.

    If you believe that, I got some ocean front property in Florida to sell you. 🤣

  • I don’t recall ever saying people couldn’t get angry about it, it doesn’t bother me. What bothered me, was equating disliking trans to being a bigot or not caring about them, as being callous. Thats bullshit tactic only works on kids. That’s the part that seems to have confused you.

    It’s also ironic, given that the original sub post would rather see old people just die if they can’t cope with current events. That sounds pretty intolerant to me, yet, I don’t see you blowing up his comment?

    Did you just think I would be an easy target? Sorry to disappoint you. 😅

  • How’s the view from atop that high horse your riding? Save your preaching for someone who will fall for it. I said I dislike them, I said nothing about tolerating them. I will tolerate anyone, I just don’t have to accept them. Stop putting words in my mouth to suit your clearly skewed narrative, just like you did in the last comment. Comparing me to a shooter, yikes.

  • It’s obviously arbitrary, given how we’re changing the meanings of words to fit the current narrative, but that doesn’t change anything.

    It kills me, that zoomers and young millennials think that it’s the older generation that’s the problem, rather than the generation complaining about how another generation reacts to certain words in certain atmospheres. If you can’t understand why they react that way, maybe you should be looking in the mirror instead of criticizing them.

  • The customer is always right, is a fallacy? Yeah, now I know you’ve never worked in hospitality. Heaven forbid you expect your server to be tolerant, and the customer is under no obligation to reciprocate.

    Also, entitlement isn’t exactly how I would describe that generation but it certainly rings true for the latest offspring. Colloquially known as the immediate gratification generation. 🤣

  • But see, that’s the thing. Who are you, or anyone else for that matter, to tell me or anyone else what being a decent human being is?

    If I say I don’t like trans people, that doesn’t make me a bad person, that makes me a person with their own, valid opinion. Or If I say I don’t give a damn what happens to them, that’s not being callous, that’s me, not giving a f**k about people I’ll never meet. I’m sorry but virtue signaling isn’t my thing.

  • The server can say “no problem “ and the older people can get upset about it, plain and simple. I already explained why using that term in a hospitality setting can be frowned upon. Everything else is just going around in circles trying to rationalize one side or the other of the argument. Young people see no difference, fine, older people do.

    I swear, for a generation that preaches tolerance, they are certainly not very tolerant of older people and their traditions.

    Someone else replied to me, saying they should all just die since they can’t cope with the new world, or something like that. That doesn’t sound very tolerant to me.