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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • So I think I was pretty tired when I wrote that. But in case I wasn’t clear, I meant that I don’t like the thought of countries, such as North Korea, who are only relatively stable, in possession of nuclear arms.

    I really was not talking about the United States. We have our own issues, but I don’t think we’re about to start any nuclear wars on a whim. Yes our politics are pretty screwed up at the moment, but I don’t see it as likely that any yahoos, like that bodily fluids air force guy in Dr. Strangelove, can just start a nuclear exchange.

    No, I don’t think the US is going to give up it’s nukes anytime soon, there’s lots of politics in play, and half the point of NATO is that it’s under the protection of the US nuclear umbrella.

    By dictatorship I mean a government with extreme accumulation of government, and usually military, power in less than a handful of individuals with ineffective or even lack of democratic elections.

    Edit: so what’s up with all the N. Korean defenders here???

  • It seems silly, but it could indicate that he is either taking care of himself now, even he can’t get enough food, or he is sick. All of this could have implications for the Kim regime and their relationships with the external world.

    Best case scenario is a slow and steady retreat from dictatorship into a more democratic governance model. I don’t think that’ll happen, but I don’t feel too chipper about a relatively feeble and economically and politically unstable country purchasing any nuclear arms at all.

  • I honestly don’t know how I feel. Most content feels like ‘consume our product/content and give us monthly fee’ instead of nice shows and movies. Everything seems to have a point where it pulls me out and I find myself questioning if I’m crazy or if everything feels like shit.

    There are some amazing gems, but for years it feels like Hollywood has cared less and less about making cool and engaging media and are instead of focusing on manipulating people.

    I’m sure the problem is coming from the top, but writers and actors have been pretty shit too