• 8 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2024


  • Why shouldn’t I be able to disagree with her?

    At no point in this thread did I even allude to the fact that you should not be able to disagree with her. In fact, I stated the opposite and you did not notice that. I wrote:

    "…you should be able to read the books, discard what you don’t like, perhaps keep something you do like, and think “well, none of that matches my philosophy in life but I didn’t have the same childhood as the author and if I did maybe I would think the same way”.

    That statement is just about open-mindedness. If your reading comprehension skills were good you could see from my posts that even I don’t agree with her. My whole point is that people criticize her without reading or understanding what she wrote or why she wrote it.

    Do you know how I know people don’t actually read her novels? It’s because no one ever mentions the theme or what those books are about. Those books are about anti-communism. That’s it.

    Nearly everyone should be aboard and agree with anti-communism but the problem is that Ayn Rand took it to the extreme. If her philosophy took over a country or the world there would eventually be no middle class, we probably would not have national parks, we definitely wouldn’t have social services, and a lot of people would suffer if they could not produce in society.

    A lot of people don’t understand why I brought up her upbringing or why it has anything to do with anything. The whole point is when I read her novels I understood why she wrote what she wrote.

    There’s an Aristotle quote I like: “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

    And that quote encapsulates how I read Ayn Rand. I was able to read the novels, like the parts I liked, and then discard the parts I did not disagree with. It really should be that simple for everyone but I believe there’s hatred for her because of the groups who like her and because people don’t actually read her work.

  • but the way they got there is unobtainable for anyone hearing the advice

    How is living on a little patch of land in a shack and growing beans unobtainable? It was the 1800s. Way too many people are hung up on the idea that he lived on a lot of land belonging to a friend. He could have gone off into the remote woods very easily. I don’t see the big advantages or unobtainable nature in your argument.

    It’s not like he was a YouTuber living in a mansion that his dad bought and was trying to sell you his book on real estate investing.

    There’s nothing unobtainable about what he did or what he wrote about. Chris McCandless (though definitely controversial) went out and had his adventure in the 1990s and did so without money.

    Thoreau living on Emerson’s land was convenient but he didn’t win the lottery and it’s not unobtainable. There’s a homeless guy living in a cave in Baker, CA right now. He walks to town about once a week. I suppose his life is easy and unobtainable because he’s got a “free cave” on BLM land, right?

    People are way too hung up on Thoreau’s supposed advantages and they are exaggerating them as well.