Canadian cosmonaut desperate for comrades in the worst province.

Yes, the dogs are also communists.

  • 110 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2022


  • It has been incredibly distressing to see so many bleeding hearts become blood thirsty monsters. I was always aware of the dislike and hatred for Russians, its hard to miss with all the movies and games where the Russians are villains, but it always seemed like it was relegated to the screen, I never encountered that animosity in real life. But the second this war kicked off it was like the floodgates were opened. I’m honestly surprised as to how quickly this all devolved. I mean, even the Russian cultural centre in my city got some weird reviews and NAFO grew incredibly quickly. I couldn’t (and still can’t) even mention something Russian related without people around me cringing or getting uncomfortable. It makes me really sad and angry at the same time. I’m just hoping this all comes to an end soon and maybe people will realize how terrible they were being, but I honestly don’t know, people over here tend to be incredibly stubborn…