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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I had seen a post here a few days ago where they hired a third party to go over the allegations that Madison made, and they were essentially cleared however long after, but were also told that they still need to work on reporting and hr stuff. Which to me indicates that there was probably no documentation made if they did happen, so it would be impossible to audit like two years later, because being ignored when she told someone about the sexual harassment was one of her complaints. However, maybe you trust a neutral third party because taking the side of the company every time means their reputation for neutrality would be worthless, which means their business is dead. But in LTT’s statement they made it clear that while they did believe there was enough in their report to justify a defamation case, they just want to leave it behind them. Great stuff to include in your statement /s.

  • There’s no real way to tell, but I’d say this is probably not going to be powerful in the formats in which it will be legal, which indicates that it will be a build around commander card. In other words, I think it will be fairly inexpensive. It will be widely available on card kingdom and TCG Player (or whatever your regional card buying websites are) on June 7-14.

    If you wanted to make a deck around it for fun, I’m sure some MTG youtubers will make a budget deck tech for it, probably in the $50 range for the whole deck. They may also make a play mat available through Ultra Pro, if you wanted a larger version of the art for about $20, but That is not guaranteed.

    EDIT: not my best work, but here’s something I threw together for about $30 before shipping https://www.moxfield.com/decks/UG1b-4h7NkilnSzYnKUeMw

  • Those are good things to want. Since we’re talking about elections, it’s worth mentioning that of the grand total of two options, only democrats have even a slight possibility for them to happen, wheras the Republicans are saying that Gaza should be nuked, which is worse than what’s happening right now, I’m sure you’ll agree. Which is to say nothing of literally every single other issue where the Rs are universally much worse.

    Feel free to appear uncommitted right up until the general, at which point you and everyone else trying to extract concessions needs to show up. And as long as that happens, I’m sorry for implying you’re not an adult.

  • It’s plain to anyone who is willing to see that this administration has been influenced in a positive direction vis a vis Israel, and they are doing much more to help the Palestinian people than the “turn Gaza into a radioactive parking lot” crew that is the other option will do should they regain power. And yes, I have called the offices of my elected representatives, which didn’t go very far because they’re Republicans.

    I do not share your compunction about telling people that a vote for better is better, even if better is not ideal, because I’m an adult who has been paying attention to how it has been and is promised to be worse. There is no viable third party, and mathematically there will not be until every state changes away from First Past the Post, which will not happen before the election. Therefore, the better of the two parties, obviously the Democrats, should be voted for. Full stop. Up and down the ballot. Anyone who decides to not vote this way is indicating that they are fine with the Republicans regaining power, and aren’t allowed to complain about the leapords eating their face should they win. The only instance in which voting third party is acceptable is for smaller local elections, and even then that’s if they did a good job canvassing. You should help them canvass, if there are any nearby.

  • And the reality is that as far as the presidency is concerned on that specific topic we have a choice between someone who has been maintaining the existing status quo vis a vis Israel and Palestine but has been successfully pressured into at least looking like he’s trying to stop it by his base and the guy who, last time he was in office, made it worse by moving the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem and several other actions, plus everything else wrong with his policies. As far as the presidency goes, those are the only two options, so while we could maybe have done better before, we don’t have a different option now.

    So, between “bad but can be influenced to be better” and “far, far, demonstrably worse and only descending,” the only two actual options, which should people vote for?

  • No, see, the spoiler effect, a well-documented phenomenon, isn’t real and is just a lie to keep people from voting for third parties, who are super for real going to affect anything positively this time! It’s your fault for not abandoning the only party with a chance to win against the fascist party in favor of checks notes Cornel West, a candidate so unserious he declared his party affiliation with the People’s Party (a bunch of definitely not grifters featuring such intellectual titans as Jimmy Dore and Jesse “the Body/Mind” Ventura) only to immediately switch to the Green Party, only to immediately switch to Independent. Math isn’t real and I’m very smart.