Man i’m a platypus, what did you expect?

  • 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I disagree, although I can definitely see where you are coming from. Places like Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi are still dealing with outright racism in some areas. There was even astory I read about a town that had a white okigarchy which wouldn’t give its black resudents mayorship. The South, while seeming like it won’t change, will eventually have to. There are a lot of demographic shifts happening here that will force it to change some. Not to mention a growing labor movement, awareness of clinate change, and growing activism to address social issues that will increasingly put pressure on local and stare governments. So, yes, it will take time to correct the inertia of the status quo, but it’s possible.

  • For me, Blender was probably my very first introduction into FOSS. I was using it because it was free, but I also liked the concept behind having a useful software the people used everyday to make cool projects like movies and animated shows. I did a project on it in. What really got me down the rabbithole was Debian. I had come across it in computer class, and I really liked the interface. i did more research and came to love Debian for being a stable distro run by the community. From thereit’s history.

  • I agree with this post you made. If the best we can do is vote into office a fairly old, out-of-tuoch president who has done a moderately decent job of running the United States, then it’s a lose-lose situation for everyone. Politics especially in the United States has become too boring and safe. We need to take a risk on Cornell West and spice the game up a bit. Else we’ll repeat the same mistakes we’ve been making for the past 50 years.

    Edit; pls forgive my passion posting, whoops. Point is we need a shake up cuz stuff is going down the drain a little