• 93 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • One other Lemmy instance is on 0.19.4, and that also has the same problem:

    Ungoogled Chromium: the create post form erases the fields after tabbing out of them. Tor Browser (firefox based): no issues with the create post form.

    Now slrpnk is on 0.19.5, along with two other Lemmy nodes I tested this on. The create post form is working in this version with Ungoogled Chromium.

    timeline selector broken

    There is another problem that was introduced with version 0.19.4 and still persists in 0.19.5: There are four possible timeline views: subscribed, local, all, moderator view. That selector is broken in Ungoogled Chromium 112 but not in Firefox-based browsers. In UC, I click “moderator view” and the button highlights as I click it, the page refreshes, but the selector does not stick. It is trapped in the “local” view and only shows the local timeline.

    This problem is replicated in other 0.19.4 and 0.19.5 instances.


    Actually there is still a problem with 0.19.4 w.r.t. post creation. And this affects Firefox too: if I use the cross-post feature to copy the post elsewhere, the form is populated just fine but then I have to search for the target community at the bottom of the form. As soon as I select the target community, the whole rest of the form clears. I have not yet tested this specific scenario in 0.19.5.

  • not sure what you mean by “doesn’t prevent using the function entirely.” Do you mean the function is available for those who install another browser? My current theory is that the create post function is 100% broken for Ungoogled Chromium users, but probably operational for people running 3rd party clients or Firefox. Considering Ungoogled Chromium is based on the single most popular browser (Chromium), vanilla Chromium users are probably also impacted, which seems serious.

    The form should probably display a loud warning about this. Someone might opt to write the body of their post as a very first step, before the title. They could put a substantial effort into writing a long text and then see it all vanish the instant they click the title field. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s work thrown away like that.

    I would roll back to the previous version if there is no fix for this.

    (edit) Are there any stats kept on user agent strings? It might give a clue on the number of users affected.

    (edit2) history

    I guess it’s worth noting a bit of history. For quite some time (maybe a year or more) Ungoogled Chromium did not work on any Lemmy site for me. Tor Browser did. After upgrading a couple months ago, UC worked on all Lemmy sites. But now Lemmy is dysfunctional again on 19.4. Works fine on Lemmy 19.3.

  • For the past few days, the “create post” form is usually broken. After entering a title I hit tab to the next field and the title is instantly erased upon shifting the focus to another field. The form is unfillable.

    I was able to post once after this behavior started for no apparent reason. No idea how to reproduce that.

    It’s worth noting that submitting comments in existing posts is not a problem.

    Browser: Ungoogled Chromium 112

    (edit) after more thought, I think that one time I was able to post was probably done using Tor Browser, not UC.

  • That looks interesting. I might have to keep my eye out for these at the 2nd hand street markets. When you say supplement, do you mean the ROX feeds coordinates to the phone?

    Apparently Sigma has a proprietary app for the phone. If you don’t use that app, are open standards supported? In the pre-smartphone days, it was common to get a dedicated device that merely ran a GPS receiver and the sent to coords to any bluetooth device (e.g. palm pilot) that paired to it. I think the standard is called NMEA. The ROX 4.0 manual makes no mention of NMEA so I’m not sure if that could be used to feed OSMand.

    In any case, your finding seems to suggest using an external GPS has a substantial power savings on the phone that hosts the maps.

  • I’m ideologically opposed to anything that prevents an adult from doing what they want to their own body.

    A couple other comments seem to imply this a full-blown prohibition as well. To be clear, my interpretation is that this is not a total prohibition. From the article:

    The government is set to introduce a historic new law to stop children who turn 14 this year or younger from ever legally being sold cigarettes in England, in a bid to create the first ‘smokefree generation’.

    So IIUC, there is no possession or consumption offense, and anyone at any age can grow their own or import¹ it. They’re just making it inconvenient to acquire by controlling commerce. That inconvenience will certainly add to the cool factor of kids who become the resourceful hookup.

    ¹ I suppose they will be able to carry it into the country, but probably legit mail order shops will be controlled. Not sure.

    On the other hand, a complete ban on smoking in public spaces could be helpful ? I’m not certain if it has been tried

    IIRC, the smoking ban in restaurants and bars started in CA or NY, then swept around the world from there. Then NY supposedly banned smoking near outdoor bus stops or something. Not sure if that experiment spread.

  • Are you really cycling far enough to warrant a flight? Is it about the journey or the destination? I would think you don’t do that kind of distance without loving the journey to the point of trivializing the destination. So for a given trip, you could just as well cut the outbound trip in half. It need not be a back and forth trip as the redundancy is what you want to avoid. So make it a triangular route.

    Whatever your distaste is for buses, perhaps that can be remedied with small mid-trip stretches. Find a city pair where the journey is overall uphill, then book a bus just for a short segment of your trip. You get a more interesting window view for an hour or two than you would in a plane, and a moment to rest between cycling segments. You can do the same with ferries.

    It’s also surprising to hear that you find it easier to take a bicycle on a plane than a train or bus. The fee for that must be small on buses and trains than on a plane. And hard to trust airline baggage handlers with your bicycle.

    Might be worth looking into taking a blabla car, though it might be hard to find a ride who can spare the space for a bike.

  • I guess you don’t consider !bicycle_touring@lemmy.world fit for the sidebar then.

    Bicycle touring is relevant but indeed lemmy.world is antithetical to fedi philosophy and purpose so I wouldn’t want to promote it on the sidebar. #LemmyWorld has a group for everything and needs no promotion. They replicate communities in the free world, effectively poaching from better places.

    Would you be opposed if some content from over there would also be crossposted to here?

    No; feel free to crosspost either way.

    My personal approach is to post initially in the most relevant free world decentralized community first, creating a new community if necessary. If the post contains a question that’s starving for answers after some time, then I might cross post to centralized places¹ in part to promote the better venue to those in places of oppression… to try to steer people toward a more ethical workflow.

    Some instances only show the parent of a cross post, while other instances show both parents and children in a cross posting scenario. This is why I favor the digital rights respecting community for the initial post.

    ① e.g. lemmy world, sh.itjust·works, lemm·ee, lemmy·ca, programming·dev, and lemmy.ml.

  • breathability is the key criteria for clothing. Polyester and synthetic fabrics are nearly all terrible at this compared to natural fibres.

    Natural fibers cannot be grouped together in this way because there is a huge variation.

    This is where cotton fails and synthetic microfibers come out ahead. Cotton retains water, swells when wet, and suffocates as water tension spans the threads that are thickened by the swelling. Synthetic microfibers wick moisture away, and do not swell when wet, which gives excellent breathability. Cotton is fine as long as you don’t sweat. Or exceptionally, if it’s extremely hot in some windy situations the water retention can be a plus. I used to don cotton and hose myself down before getting on a motorcycle on a hot dry day. The evaporative cooling effect worked wonders with the high relative wind. But outside of that niche, such as sports, microfibers are king which is why sporting goods shops fetch high prices for high tech synthetics. As someone who sweats profusely more than normal, cotton is a non-starter in warm climates. Evaporation from soggy cotton simply cannot keep up with the rate that I add sweat. So a cotton t-shirt gets soaked in sweat and remains wet the whole workout session, and for days thereafter.

    I used to wear tighty whities which made my gear sweat. Switched to Pategonia boxers and wow what a difference in breathability.

    Wool and synthetics are similar w.r.t. comfort hence the term “smart wool”. But indeed natural wool is pricey and non-vegan.

  • HUGE amounts of clothes are being trashed, many of them new; never worn. I wish I kept the link around. There were several articles in the past few years showing massive piles of clothes along the coastline of some poverty-stricken countries, with all the dyes leeching into the ocean. Fast fashion is the culprit.

    Probably what disgusts me the most are political campaign t-shirts. Surely it’s the worst instance of obsolescence by design in clothing. Andrew Yang claimed to be an environmentalist yet his campaign t-shirts were made of non-sustainable cotton. Attempts to spotlight that were censored by Reddit.

    If it’s OK and just doesn’t fit I donate it.

    All the charities collecting clothes in my area are fussy. They want no flaws, and they want clothes to be cleaned. Apparently there is no infrastructure for repairing them or even simply washing them. Neighbors don’t bother… they just stuff a trash bag with clothes and put it out with other trash. Sometimes someone notices that and tears open the bag and rifles through it for stuff. I’ve moved into places where the previous tenant just left clothes and blankets behind. I dumped them in the clothing donation bins anyway, without washing. But it’s dicey… I could just be adding to their burden and have no idea if the clothes and blankets get used.