• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • I honestly dont trust it. All from 2 israeli sources and not even like 1-2 years ago Assad was talking about how horrible nazis were and how NATO incorporated them into their network in europe with operation gladio after pretending to be against fascism. I expect this is just another hit job trying to paint anti Zionists as holocaust deniers and nazis. The Israeli media and govt has shown how quick they are to lie about even the most obvious shit, saying things like calendars with days of the week are lists of hamas members and that palestinian school books are in English with dedication pages to terrorists.

  • On your last paragraph- I recently saw a clip of this same guy defending Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge against, and this is a direct quote, “revisionist Vietnam”. I found the whole video and couldn’t get much into it, it’s very obvious he is pure spectacle, pretty sure it may even be satire? Same guy unironically calls himself a “maga communist” which makes me think it may be satirical as well. MAGA communism is hilarious and is the American version of “national socialism”. Feel like it’s either a character being played or it’s a straight up psy op.

  • One thing that is interesting to ponder is how many capitalists exactly would benefit from true crisis/collapse. Military industrial complex corps profit a ton off making weapons, but for things like nukes I’d imagine it’s more profitable to just have created and sold rather than in active demand for use because of the catastrophic blowback. Short term profits could be made, but even that would be extremely unstable.

    What’s worrying is that often times once the escalation ladder is climbed enough by an empire like the US, it reaches a tipping point where the option is either accepting imperial decline or making a risky move. It’s not even like imperial decline would necessarily be bad for the workers in the US if it was done via socialism. It’s just that those in power come face to face with either going down, or risking bringing everyone down so they can maintain hegemony. In this specific situation, it seems likely to really start with recognizing Taiwan as independent. From there it’s very unlikely to de escalate.

  • Settlers is probably the one book I hear the most different things about, where I will read 5 articles/writings on it and all 5 people come away with a different thesis. At this point I think I need to accept reading Lenin isn’t enough and just read settlers because there seems to be 2 general groups, one saying Settlers is 100% necessary and calls for uniting of settler and colonized proles and another group who says Settlers was pushed by the CIA to keep the working class divided along race lines and not uniting around class.