blashork [she/her]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2022


  • This is speculation:

    I think a lot of it is temporarily leased or loaned. i was watching a retrobytws video recently, cant remember the exact name. but it was about this console that was ‘designed for girls’ (read what old men in suits think teenage girls want). He said a lot of.yputubers have made videos on it, but console is actually pretty rare. One or two people own pne amd loan it out to others for their videos.

    Also auctioning. I gotta imagine some of it can be flipped.

    Maybe donated to a museum.

    That’s just me speculatong tho.

  • Hmmm, that’s a lot to go over in there. I have family sharing setup with, let’s say, my found family. There are a lot of improvements listed, but also many things I’m worried about.

    The one year period of waiting after leaving one seems excessive. I hope they have good separation of the logical family and the physical pc’s, It’s really annoying to resetup stuff with my partner every time one of us installs a different linux distro.

    I understand why they’re doing the ban sharing, but it’s still funny.

  • Glad to see more official articles explaining the situation. The quote from WotC looks like thr same one they sent to dicebreaker, so I assume they’re sending that line to everyone.

    It was very funny when one of my friends posted the original article while we were all in vc. My partner immediately pointed out that they werw the only source, and eveyone discussing it was just pointing to them.

    I just hate seeing all the usual shitty sinophobia from redditors. The threads there and on neogaff were immediately filled with shit like ‘time to add an organ steeling cult to my dnd game’. Awful.

  • I’m well aware. While I don’t personally work on the gpu related stuff, I do work at a company that has to do a lot of gpu computing. My opinions on this topic are mostly informed by coworkers who do write gpu code, specifically a lot of opencl kernels. opencl has a lot of shortcomings and issues, and the kernel model is a bitch to work with. However, that isn’t the point. The point is about compatibility. You can have a really good gpu but if you don’t have adversarial compatibility with your competitors, it will just die. Specifically, amd have done a shit job at making cuda run on amd gpus. rocm is a disjointed mess, it sucked when I had to work with it in uni, it still sucks now. Cuda is bad and proprietary, but any modern gpu should still be able to run cuda crap simply because it’s useful to be able to do so, and there’s a lot of things already built with it that should remain accessible.

    The fact that amd have not been able to get a component as critical as their adversarial compatibility layer working while Moore has already implemented it for their early generation of cards shows:

    • how profound the failures of amd and western computing companies is
    • the breakneck pace and incredible technical achievements of chinese gpu development

  • bcache is inherently designed to be an ssd cache that sits in front of slower bigger disks. Bcachefs is an extension of this into it’s own filesystem. iirc the words of the bcache creator were: ‘we’ve implemented 80% of a filesystem here, might as well go the rest of the way’. So how much it thrashes a disk is based on what position you give it in the architecture. The caching ssds are going to be used heavily, taking advantage of their fast random access to manage all random accesses, while sequential operations generally go to the slower disk that’s set as the background device. The background disks will tend to be accessed less.

    So yeah, it’s based on what kind of disk and position in the bcache, and what caching options you enable. If you want to look into it further, bcache is fs agnostic, so if you can find some tests that have been done for bcache enabled for classic linux filesystems, like ext4 and xfs, that include hardware degradation info, you’ll probably end up with similar usage and hardware wear with the actual bcachefs.

  • Hey, big AA fan here, whoever told you 2 was a masterpiece must have been trolling.

    I played AAI 1 ob emu, for 2 I watched the prozd press buttons and talk voiced playthrough. WHO’S READY FOR QUERKUS FUCKING ALBA TO DEMAND ANOTHER MIND CHESS SECTION BEFORE THE END BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY DONE 20 OF THESE.

    It drags on, a lot of the puzzles are dumb, Kay can honestly get really annoying, the little thief is a worse disregard for the laws of physics than just about anything in the other games (including everything invented by iris and herlock in GAA, and all the spirit shit, and the stuff in dd).

    It suffers heavily from the same issue that plagues the rest of the series. Once you figure out what’s going on you have to find each specific individual step the game wants before you can say what the scenario is (which tends to become really fucking obvious around the halfway point).

    I would never recommend actively playing the AAI entries, that prozd playthrough is the best way to experience them imo.

  • there’s a group called johncena141 who do linux specific repacks. They put the windows game in a dwarfs read only compressed archive, and then have an editable layer on top of it where saves and changes get written. The windows games are put into a wine wrapper and then you can run them while they’re still compressed. It’s pretty cool, but can be a bit finicky. Getting dwarfs installed can be a pain depending on your system. I find their stuff can be very hit or miss, but I like that they exist.

    Besides that, ymmv with all the other repacks. Sometimes fitgirl works fine for me, sometimes it fucks up completely. Same goes for dodi. though I’ve found dodi to be a bit more reliable on wine than fitgirl.

    That’s my two cents on stuff.