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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • My own gut feeling (and I’m not a particularly astute market-understander) is that unless there is some spectacular failure, then simply how much the owning class wants to believe that AI can bring about a world where capital owners never have to pay for human cognitive or creative labour ever again would keep the money firehose going for very, very long.

    (I completely agree, btw, with the observation about how the AI industry has made tech synonymous with “monstrous assholes” in a non-trivial chunk of public consciousness.)

  • My own “AI horror” is entirely based on class struggle, although from the other side. I have a P(unemployable forever | starve to death under a bridge), though I don’t call it that and don’t think it’s something I can quantify with a number.

    I don’t know how much of this is due to realistic concerns, and how much of it is due to my brain being burnt out from having been on high alert since 2020.

    (For existential risk: Climate change, war, societal collapse (and AI is existentially horrifying inasmuch as it can play a role in accelerating either of these). Worrying all the time about everyone being doomed, I think, got imprinted into my entire generation in childhood.)

  • Day 4: Scratchcards

    Scheme code and explanations

    This problem feels a bit more Scheme-shaped. To keep things interesting, I have chosen to stick to pure functional programming.

    A card consists of three components – a card number (which turned out to be completely unnecessary), a list of winning numbers, and a list of numbers. Here’s a function to parse a card from a string, turning it into a 3-element list:

    (define (parse-card card)
      (let* ((parts (string-split card ":"))
             (numlists (string-split (cadr parts) "|")))
        (list (string->number (string-drop (car parts) 5))
              (map string->number (string-split (car numlists) " "))
              (map string->number (string-split (cadr numlists) " "))

    The value of a card is easy enough to compute. The first matched winning number sets the value to 1, every subsequent one doubles it.

    (define (card-value card)
      (let* ((card-parts (parse-card card))
             (winning-numbers (cadr card-parts)))
        (let loop ((nums (caddr card-parts)) (val 0))
          (cond ((null? nums) val)
                ((and (= val 0) (memq (car nums) winning-numbers)) (loop (cdr nums) 1))
                ((memq (car nums) winning-numbers) (loop (cdr nums) (* val 2)))
                (else (loop (cdr nums) val))))))

    Solving part 1 is now straightforward:

    (define (solve-part-1 cards)
      (apply + (map card-value cards)))

    But oh no! Turns out I (or the elf) got the rules wrong, and apparently the game requires so many dead trees to play that I think it was probably designed by Jair Bolsonaro.

    A function to count the card matches (eg. how many numbers match a winning number) is easily adapted from the above:

    (define (card-matches card)
      (let* ((card-parts (parse-card card))
             (winning-numbers (cadr card-parts)))
        (let loop ((nums (caddr card-parts)) (val 0))
          (cond ((null? nums) val)
                ((memq (car nums) winning-numbers) (loop (cdr nums) (+ val 1)))
                (else (loop (cdr nums) val))))))

    My strategy here is to have two lists: One of the card matches of all cards, the other of how many instances I have of each card. The second list will start as (1 1 1 1 ... ), and I need to be able to add some number x to the first n cards in the list. For example, if I have 4 instances of card 5, and card 5 has 2 matches, then I’ll want to add 4 to however many instances I have of cards 6 and 7. Here’s a function that reaches into a list and does just that:

    (define (reach x n l)
      (if (or (= n 0) (null? l))
        (cons (+ x (car l)) (reach x (- n 1) (cdr l)))))

    Using this, here’s a recursive function that counts cards, given the two aforementioned lists:

    (define (count-cards matches cards)
      (if (null? cards) 0
        (+ (car cards)
           (count-cards (cdr matches)
                        (reach (car cards) (car matches) (cdr cards))))))

    Solving part 2 is now easy:

    (define (solve-part-2 lines)
      (count-cards (map card-matches lines) (map (lambda (x) 1) lines)))

    There you have it. It’d have been shorter if I had allowed myself some side effects, but pure functional programming is terrific fun.

  • Day 3: Gear Ratios

    Scheme code and explanations

    To avoid annoying special cases for dealing with reading past the edges of the schematic, I start by adding one cell of padding on all sides.

    (define (pad-schematic lines)
      (let* ((width (string-length (car lines)))
             (empty-line (make-string (+ width 2) #\.)))
        (append (list empty-line)
                (map (lambda (str) (string-append "." str ".")) lines)
                (list empty-line))))

    I’m also going to define a few utility functions. The schematic-pos function reads what’s on the x,y position of the schematic, and is here to compensate for Scheme being awkward for dealing with two-dimensional structures. The two others check whether some position is a symbol (other than .) or a digit.

    (define (schematic-pos s x y)
      (string-ref (list-ref s y) x))
    (define (pos-symbol? s x y)
      (let ((chr (schematic-pos s x y)))
        (and (not (char=? chr #\.))
             (not (char-set-contains? char-set:digit chr)))))
    (define (pos-digit? s x y)
      (let ((chr (schematic-pos s x y)))
        (char-set-contains? char-set:digit chr)))

    I want a list of all positions of symbols in the schematic, so I can check them for adjacent numbers. I could also have gone with a list of numbers instead, but symbols seemed easier to find adjacencies for.

    (define (symbol-positions s)
      (let ((width (string-length (car s)))  (height (length s)))
        (let loop ((x 0) (y 0) (syms '()))
          (cond ((>= y height) syms)
                ((>= x width) (loop 0 (+ y 1) syms))
                ((pos-symbol? s x y)
                 (loop (+ x 1) y (cons (cons x y) syms)))
                (else (loop (+ x 1) y syms))))))

    This produces a list of (x y) pairs, one for each symbol. Finding adjacent numbers is a bit tricky: Since there are three relevant positions above and below the symbol’s own position, there could be one or two numbers above or below, and if there are two, then I might be reading the same number twice. I accept this, and keep the numbers in an lset (which means that a duplicate simply won’t be inserted). The number reader itself produces triples on the form (x y n), where x is the position of the first character in the number, and n is a string containing the number itself. The coordinates are stored to ensure that if there are several instances of the same number in different positions in the schematic, they get treated separately.

    (define (get-number-pos s x y)
        ((num_l (lambda (x) (if (pos-digit? s x y) (num_l (- x 1)) (+ x 1))))
         (num_r (lambda (x) (if (pos-digit? s x y) (num_r (+ x 1)) x))))
        (list (num_l x) y (string-copy (list-ref s y) (num_l x) (num_r x)))))
    (define (get-adjacent-numbers s xpos ypos)
      (let loop ((x (- xpos 1)) (y (- ypos 1)) (nums '()))
          ((> y (+ ypos 1)) nums)
          ((> x (+ xpos 1)) (loop (- xpos 1) (+ y 1) nums))
          ((pos-digit? s x y)
           (loop (+ x 1) y (lset-adjoin equal? nums (get-number-pos s x y))))
          (else (loop (+ x 1) y nums)))))

    From here, solving the two parts is easy. For part 1, we get all the lists of number adjacencies and unpack them into a single list:

    (define (get-part-numbers s)
      (let ((sym-nums (map (lambda (c) (get-adjacent-numbers s (car c) (cdr c)))
                           (symbol-positions s))))
        (let loop ((curr (car sym-nums)) (syms (cdr sym-nums)) (nums '()))
          (cond ((and (null? curr) (null? syms)) nums)
                ((null? curr) (loop (car syms) (cdr syms) nums))
                (else (loop (cdr curr) syms (cons (car curr) nums)))))))
    (define (solve-part-1 schematic)
      (apply + (map (lambda (x) (string->number (caddr x)))
                    (get-part-numbers schematic))))

    For part 2, we need a list of gears. We can just get all the symbols, filter out everything that isn’t a *, and then filter out everything that doesn’t have exactly two adjacencies.

    (define (gears s)
      (filter (lambda (x) (= (length x) 2))
              (map (lambda (x) (get-adjacent-numbers s (car x) (cdr x)))
                     (lambda (x) (char=? (schematic-pos s (car x) (cdr x)) #\*))
                     (symbol-positions s)))))
    (define (solve-part-2 s)
      (apply + (map (lambda (y) (* (string->number (caddr (car y)))
                                   (string->number (caddr (cadr y)))))
                    (gears s))))

    I could probably have written nicer code if I weren’t still a bit sick (though I’m getting better!). However, the moment I realized this one would be about mucking around with two-dimensional structures, I knew Scheme was going to be a bit awkward. But here you have it.

  • Day 2: Cube Conundrum

    Scheme Code and Explanation

    The string format of a game is, for example: "Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green". I’ll transform a game string into a list, such that the above example becomes (1 (4 0 3) (1 2 6) (0 2 0)).

    I start by simply splitting on : and chopping off "Game" from the first string to get the game number. The second string consists of a sequence of draws, which need a bit further parsing effort.

    (define (parse-game game)
      (let* ((parts (string-split game ":"))
             (number (string->number (string-drop (car parts) 5)))
             (draws (map parse-draws (string-split (cadr parts) ";"))))
        (cons number draws)))

    Parsing a draw is done by first splitting it on ;, to yield strings on the form "3 blue, 4 red". Each such string represents a cubeset, which I represent as lists on the form (r g b). Since the input strings don’t have any well-defined ordering of cube colours, I split on , and iterate on the resulting list of strings until I find one that has the proper colour name as its suffix, in the order red -> green -> blue. If none exists, I return 0 for that colour.

    (define (parse-draws cstr)
      (let ((cubes (map string-trim (string-split cstr ","))))
        (list (get-col cubes "red")
              (get-col cubes "green")
              (get-col cubes "blue"))))
    (define (get-col cubeset col)
      (cond ((null? cubeset) 0)
            ((string-suffix? col (car cubeset))
             (string->number (car (string-split (car cubeset) " "))))
            (else (get-col (cdr cubeset) col))))

    To determine whether a game is possible given some numbers of different colours, I need to find the maxima of each colour for all draws in a game:

    (define (maxima cubesets)
      (let loop ((cubesets cubesets) (r 0) (g 0) (b 0))
        (if (null? cubesets)
          (list r g b)
          (loop (cdr cubesets)
                (max r (caar cubesets))
                (max g (cadar cubesets))
                (max b (caddar cubesets))))))

    The maxima of the draw ((4 0 3) (1 2 6) (0 2 0)) is (4 2 6). With that, it’s easy to determine whether a game is possible:

    (define (game-possible? game r g b)
      (let ((mx (maxima (cdr game))))
        (and (>= r (car mx))
             (>= g (cadr mx))
             (>= b (caddr mx)))))

    The solution to part 1 is now simple:

    (define (solve-part1 lines)
      (let solve ((sum 0) (games (map parse-game lines)))
        (cond ((null? games) sum)
              ((game-possible? (car games) 12 13 14)
               (solve (+ sum (caar games)) (cdr games)))
              (else (solve sum (cdr games))))))

    …where lines is all the lines of the input file.

    Part 2 is simple, given that I already have a way to get the maxima of the draws in a game. All I need to do is to multiply them together:

    (define (power-cubeset cubeset)
      (* (car cubeset) (cadr cubeset) (caddr cubeset)))
    (define (solve-part2 lines)
      (let solve ((sum 0) (games (map parse-game lines)))
        (cond ((null? games) sum)
              (else (solve (+ sum (power-cubeset (maxima (cdar games))))
                           (cdr games))))))

  • I made one solution in Python, and another in Scheme. Here are the regex-related parts.



    Here is a regex:·

    rx = "(?=(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9))"

    The leading ?= is a lookahead assertion. If we can read any of the subexpressions one,two,…, it produces the empty string as a match, with the actual matche#

    So here’s the core of the solution:

    def solve(s):
        m = [numeralize(t) for t in re.findall(rx, s)]
        return int(m[0] + m[len(m)-1])

    Where numeralize is a simple function that converts “eight” into “8”. Not to the number 8, since we want to do string concatenation on them rather than addition#

    I haven’t written any Perl in ages, so I have no idea if Perl has an analogue to findall.



    …but I do know that Scheme, at least CHICKEN, doesn’t. Here is the best my currently badly fever-addled brain could come up with:

    I’m using the irregex library. I start by building an irregex out of a SRE (Scheme Regular Expression):

    (define ir (sre->irregex '(seq bos (or "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine"·
                                           "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"))))

    This matches from the beginning of the string (hence bos), and doesn’t use any fancy lookahead. It only matches one string.

    Here is a little recursive function that finds all matches using the above:

    (define (all-matches s)
      (if (= (string-length s) 0)
        (let ((matches (irregex-search ir s)))
          (if (not matches)
            (all-matches (string-drop s 1))
            (cons (irregex-match-substring matches)
                  (all-matches (string-drop s 1)))))))

    It simply tries making a match from the beginning, and then continues making one from a substring with the first character hacked off, until it ends up with the emp#

    Using that, the analogue of the solution I did for the Python version is:

    (define (solve s)
      (let ((m (all-matches s)))
          (string-append (numeralize (list-ref m 0))
                         (numeralize (list-ref m (- (length m) 1)))))))

    Again, not my proudest Scheme code! I am currently nursing a fever and trying not to sneeze and cough my lungs to pieces.

  • Sure. What I mean by “generality” is that it can be used for many substantially different tasks - it turns out that there are many tasks that can be approached (though - in this case - mostly pretty poorly) just by predicting text. I don’t mean it in the sense of “general intelligence”, which I don’t know how to meaningfully define (and I’m skeptical it even constitutes a meaningful concept).

    In my opinion, this ultimately says more about the role of text in our society than it does about the “AI” itself, though. If a lot of interaction between humans and various social and technical systems are done using text, then there will be many things a text-predictor can do.

  • My old prof was being slightly tongue-in-cheek, obviously. But only slightly: He’d been active in the field since back when it looked like Lisp machines were poised to take over the world, neural nets looked like they’d never amount to much, and all we’d need to get to real thinking machines was hiring lots of philosophers to write symbolic logic descriptions of common-sense tasks. He’d seen exciting AI turn into boring algorithms many, many times - and many more “almost there now!” approaches that turned out to lead to nowhere in particular.

    He retired years ago, but I know he still keeps himself updated. I should write him a mail and ask if he has any thoughts about what’s currently going on in the field.

  • It’s excellent at what it does, which is create immense reams of spam, make the internet worse in profitable ways, and generate at scale barely sufficient excuses to lay off workers. Any other use case, as far as I’ve seen, remains firmly at the toy level.

    I agree! What I meant about not being very good at what it does is that it writes poetry - but it’s bad poetry. It generates code - but it’s full of bugs. It answers questions about what to feed a pet bird - but its answer is as likely as not to kill your poor non-stochastic parrot. This, obviously, is exactly what you need for a limitless-spam-machine. Alan Blackwell - among many others - has pointed out that LLMs are best viewed as automated bullshit generators. But the implications of a large-scale bullshit generator are exactly what you describe: It can flood the remainder of the useful internet with crap, and be used as an excuse to displace labour (the latter being because while not all jobs are “bullshit jobs”, a lot of jobs involve a number of bullshit tasks).

    I ask that you continue to mock rationalists who style themselves the High Poobah of Shape Rotators, chanting about turning the spam vortex into a machine God, and also mock anyone who says it’s OK for them to act this way because they have a gigantic IQ.


    I’ve said this before: I’m not at all worried about the robot cultists creating a machine god (or screwing up and accidentally creating a machine satan instead), I’m worried about the collateral damage from billions of corporate dollars propping up labs full of robot cultists who think they’re creating machine gods. And unfortunately, GPT and its ilk has upped the ante on that collateral damage compared to when the cultists were just sitting around making DOTA-playing bots.

  • The problem here is that “AI” is a moving target, and what “building an actual, usable AI” looks like is too. Back when OpenAI was demoing DOTA-playing bots, they were also building actual, usable AIs.

    When I was in university a very long time ago, our AI professor went with a definition I’ve kept with me ever since: An “AI system” is a system performing a task at the very edge of what we’d thought computers were capable of until then. Chess-playing and pathfinding used to be “AI”, now they’re just “algorithms”. At the moment, natural language processing and image generation are “AI”. If we take a more restrictive definition and define “AI” as “machine-learning” (and tossing out nearly the entire field from 1960 to about 2000), then we’ve had very sophisticated AI systems for a decade and a half - the scariest examples being the recommender systems deployed by the consumer surveillance industry. IBM Watson (remember that very brief hype cycle?) was winning Jeopardy contests and providing medical diagnoses in the early 2010s, and image classifiers progressed from fun parlor tricks to horrific surveillance technology.

    The big difference, and what makes it feel very different now, is in my opinion largely that GPT much more closely matches our cultural mythology of what an “AI” is: A system you can converse with in natural language, just like HAL-9000 or the computers from Star Trek. But using these systems for a while pretty quickly reveals that they’re not quite what they look like: They’re not digital minds with sophisticated world models, they’re text generators. It turns out, however, that quite a lot of economically useful work can be wrung out of “good enough” text generators (which is perhaps less surprising if you consider how much any human society relies on storytelling and juggling around socially useful fictions). This is of course why capital is so interested and why enormous sums of money are flowing in: GPT is shaped as a universal intellectual-labour devaluator. I bet Satya Nadella is much more interested in “mass layoff as a service” than he is in fantasies about Skynet.

    Second, unlike earlier hype cycles, OpenAI made GPT-3.5 onwards available to the general public with a friendly UI. This time, it’s not just a bunch of Silicon Valley weirdos and other nerds interacting with the tech - it’s your boss, your mother, your colleagues. We’ve all been primed by the aforementioned cultural mythology, so now everybody is looking at something that resembles a predecessor of HAL-9000, Star Trek computers and Skynet - so now you have otherwise normal people worrying about the things that were previously only the domain of aforementioned Silicon Valley weirdos.

    Roko’s Basilisk is as ridiculous a concept as it ever was, though.