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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • In my time looking for published papers, I have only very rarely seen papers which are also hosted by the university of the author. I suspect in your case it was hosted because of something specific to the school or the author, rather than a general thing.

    What I am seeing more often in my field is people posting a version of the paper on “arxiv”. This is a similar open-access approach, but you do have to be careful with arxiv papers as you can post anything on it, including work that never was or will be peer-reviewed.

  • But intelligence is the capacity to solve problems. If you can solve problems quickly, you are by definition intelligent

    To solve any problems? Because when I run a computer simulation from a random initial state, that’s technically the computer solving a problem it’s never seen before, and it is trillions of times faster than me. Does that mean the computer is trillions of times more intelligent than me?

    the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)

    If we built a true super-genius AI but never let it leave a small container, is it not intelligent because WE never let it manipulate its environment? And regarding the tests in the Merriam Webster definition, I suspect it’s talking about “IQ tests”, which in practice are known to be at least partially not objective. Just as an example, it’s known that you can study for and improve your score on an IQ test. How does studying for a test increase your “ability to apply knowledge”? I can think of some potential pathways, but we’re basically back to it not being clearly defined.

    In essence, what I’m trying to say is that even though we can write down some definition for “intelligence”, it’s still not a concept that even humans have a fantastic understanding of, even for other humans. When we try to think of types of non-human intelligence, our current models for intelligence fall apart even more. Not that I think current LLMs are actually “intelligent” by however you would define the term.

  • If you’re mixing things up in the kitchen, typically you try to be somewhat precise with ratios.

    The difference in this case being that because the actual ratio of the blend is unknown, you don’t actually know how it would crystallize. Technically they could even change up the ratio week to week based on the price of high-fructose corn syrup so you wouldn’t even get consistency from it.

  • But then what’s to stop one bad owner from just making 15 different accounts for their 15 different properties?

    And from the users perspective, there’s reasons to prefer that all the properties under the same owner are tied to the same account. If bad reviews are happening it’s easier to see the pattern if all the properties on the account have bad reviews.

    Not that I don’t generally agree with you, I just think that it’s a complicated enough issue that just limiting the number of listings per person won’t totally solve.