• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Overnight isn’t “right away”. “I have to get to y right away!” “Sure! I’ll just charge the car and you can leave tomorrow!”.

    Listen, I’m not saying that EVs are shit but they are currently not my cup of tea. It’s just all this BS. Of course it’s faster to refuel a car with petrol than to charge a battery. Would you also deny that it’s faster for me to fill up a glass of water than you charging your phone? I ENVY the great fuel economy that EV owners get. This sucks for petrol cars.

  • Nope. Hoped Lemmy would be better but it’s just like reddit: disagree -> downvote…apparently. I thought up/down voting was supposed to help filter out bad contributions, not silence people with opinions that are different from your own.

    We agree. True but ‘better’ in what ways? EVs are, as you know, extremely heavy. Is this better or worse? If you don’t have a car that you like to drive for the sake of driving, then it might not matter. If you are like me and like to fun on small roads then you might hate heavy cars because of the handling. Most EV lovers don’t understand such things because they have a car for the purpose of transportation, not for the purpose of “the drive”. Maybe bad generalization but I have yet to meet a person who have had as much fun in an EV as in a more traditional sport oriented car… Except for the ionic 5 n, but I think there’s a novelty factor involved here.

    If I only needed my car for transportation, the I would buy an EV, but only because of the reduced fuel costs.

  • Fair enough. Do you do track days yourself? I would love to learn more about what I can from listening to my tires.

    Still, no engine noise.

    I’m not a EV hater, just saying that there are more to cars than 0-100km/h stats and range. And to me, most of these aesthetic qualities are lost with EVs. The only EV that looks interesting from a aesthetics point of view is the inonic 5 n, imho.

  • At ryge mens børnene sidder i bilen er selvfølgelig en dårlig ide. Jeg tror bare man skal passe på med at staten skal bestemme sådan noget. Men nu er jeg også af den generelle holdning at lovgivning der rulles igennem med “folkesundheds”-argumentet ikke står over argumentet om personlig frihed. Folk skal have lov til at ryge. Hvis argumentet er at forbedre folkesundheden burde vi også se på at forbyde alkohol - f.eks. starte med cult shakers osv. hvor både smag og markedsføring helt klart er tiltænkt et yngre publikum. Samme trick laver de med Små Fugle som liiiige præcis har en alkoholprocent der gør det lovligt at købe for personer på 16 år. Ligesom “det smager som slik”-argumentet der blev brugt til at forbyde salg af e-juice med anden smag end tobak/mentol. Men nix! Vi SKAL jo være PISSE FULDE i DK. Det er fint med aldersgrænser, men jeg er meget imod total forbud.

    /whataboutism rant

  • I have the same experience as the author you just replied to. While some of what you are saying is true, I have never had everyday issues like these on windows. I switch to Linux once a year to change things up. Mint, arch, Debian… A few major issues I experience

    • login screen just freezes after standby
    • wifi not automatically recognizing what settings e.g. security protocol my work wifi uses
    • external monitors not working
    • updates just breaking my whole OS or not working

    These are essentials, not something I can simply learn to live with or fix on the fly.

    Would love to switch! I can get through work without proprietary software so that’s not the issue.