Admin @ - Roam free!

  • 55 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • This is insanely bad. I don’ t know how they can recover from something this catastrophic.

    CloudNordic is a market leading Cloud Computing and Enterprise Hosting distributor and wholesaler, offering Software as a Service to Resellers and End Customers.

    CloudNordic offers Resellers a complete Cloud Computing platform and portfolio, including Virtual Servers, Hosted Exchange, Hosted SharePoint, IASO Backup, Shared Web Hosting, Domains and SSL certificate encryption.

    So they likely have business customers that lost all of their e-mails, business files, servers, etc. Now that is a bad day at the office.

  • hey, I’m the admin of, thought I’d offer you my 2 cents.

    Generally speaking anyone is welcome on Lemdit. We’re not a political instance, nor are we a strictly ‘free speech’ one. What this means is any ideas are welcome irrespective of political lean, but slurs, attacks or calls for violence are not. To give you a concrete example, disagreeing with government covid policy is fine, calling people fags is not.

    Lemdit is indeed a tiny instance. This isn’t really an issue as far as content and engagement is concerned thanks to federation, but it does mean we’re a very small fish that can be easily killed if we get defederated. We’re not big enough to survive under our own content steam, so if you do join, please try to keep this in mind.

    The only instances we’ve defederated are ones that host loli porn. In general, anything that can get us into legal trouble is gone on the spot (I don’t mean the interpretation of legal). Otherwise I don’t live in the US and I make it a point not to get involved in politics one way or the other, so you will not see me defederate or block anything based on politics.

    Lemdit is also self-hosted and costs me very little to run, so this isn’t a donations grift, we’re not looking to grow at all costs, etc.

    You can find more info here:

    If this sounds like you, then feel free to sign up.

  • Hey, thanks for your feedback.

    Good point on the Admin account potentially not being e-mail verified, I’ll add that bit in there.

    Lemmy stores a record of users in two places:

    • local_user is where local accounts are stored. Each entry has an id and a person_id.
    • person gets an entry for every user@instance that your Lemmy instance learns about, including users which were created on your instance. local_user entries are mapped to person entries using the person_id.
    • local_user doesn’t actually keep track of user@instance - it’s all stored under person and referenced via the person_id.

    This means that to free up the user names, you would also need to delete the respective entry from person. There are a few ways you can achieve this:

    • You could grab a list of all person_id numbers where email_verified=‘f’, then use this list to delete from person.
    • You could just delete the specific username you want to free up from person (where name=‘username’).

    Edit: This also explains your confusion around the id of the Admin username - id would’ve been ‘1’ and that’s the one that matters. person_id was ‘2’ because your instance likely learnt of another user before the Admin somehow. I just checked mine and person_id is also 2, so it seems like the standard thing it does.

    I didn’t worry about this too much since these were all randomly generated junk usernames that nobody would ever miss and I didn’t think it was worth the extra hassle to try and delete them from person too, since it would be a bit cumbersome especially if there’s a lot of them.

    Anyway, to free up those usernames just delete them from person using one of the options above.

    I hear you on the need to delete junk data, my hope is the devs will eventually include some decent tools for that. It’s a good suggestion, I may put something together when I have a bit of time.

    A solution you can try meanwhile is to use an admin account to ‘purge’ the stuff you want to delete - purging does remove everything from the server. Annoyingly you don’t get the option to purge your own posts as the admin, but you can use a second admin account to work around this.