• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Nah man. Hard disagree with you there.

    There’s no way you can kidnap, behead, rape and kill innocents or attack a music festival and call yourself the good guy. If you do, then you’ve got a fucked up moral compass.

    I don’t like the shit that Israel has done to the Palestinians either, but Hamas is a terrorist organization only using the Palestinians suffering as a weapon of influence for their abominable beliefs.

    They don’t give a shit about Palestinians. They care about power and killing Jews.

    The world isn’t as black and white as you make it out two be.

  • Pro Israel, Pro Palestine, fuck Hamas.

    The Palestinians do have legitimate grievances with the Israeli government that need to be addressed, and Israel has every right to protect itself.

    Hamas uses this for their own sick agendas and to maintain power.

    Someone pointed it out, but how many of the people Hamas murdered do you think have joined the many protests for the freedom of the Palestinian people?

    A lot of Jews in Israel support the freedom of the Palestinians and they have demonstrated such.

    Hamas doesn’t give a shit about the Palestinians.

    And Israel is showing the same by bombing innocents.

  • I happen to be from the south

    Really?! I could not tell!

    But you’re literally proving my point.

    You just have to insert your opinion, and insult me while doing so, because you can’t take any sort of criticism.

    You cannot accept any truth with what I say because you are in denial that the South has been a massive problem with the progress in the country and the civil liberties of Americans for literal centuries now.

    I’m not calling for anything, I’m just stating,

    I Do Not Like the South (“fuck the south”)

  • It’s not.

    There are many red states, some I have lived in (ID, IA) that are just fine. Sure, I disagree with a decent amount of people who live in those states, but it’s not conservatism that I have trouble with. It’s the culture of the south that I cannot stand and am just stating my opinion which now I know is not a very unpopular one on this site now.

    Quit being so grumpy crouchy, my jolly ol friend 👉😎👉

  • I did not have northern parents. We moved a lot which is why I got to experience so many regions of the US and also why we stayed in the south for a majority of the time.

    And when it comes to hiding the corruption it completely depends on the corruption, I guess.

    Things like embezzlement is everywhere, but say something like hiring police officers that are involved with terrorist organizations is, and always has been, a very prominent problem in a specific part of the country.

    There will always be corruption everywhere, but it just seems so….blatant in the south.

  • This is not a southern only quality. Selfish people exist everywhere.

    Yes, but rampant in the South.

    Another thing that isn’t just a southern thing.

    Correct, abstinence isn’t only in the South. I never said it was. But you can’t deny that abstinence sex ed is the predominant sex ed in the south.

    You were hanging around some trash people then. A lot of the people I know from the south would give the shirt off their back even if it meant they had to get wet.

    Keyword is “know”. Like I said, if you’re in their inner circle, it is different as you exist in their universe. And again, not every southerner is a bad person just like not every non-southerner is a good person.

    Again, this shit is everywhere. Come stay with me in Detroit for awhile and see if you think so harshly about the south compared to other places.

    Everywhere has its rough areas. I’ve actually been to Detroit several times and have considered moving there. Every city will have that “tough” part of town, but there is a stark difference between rural Michigan and the rural south. I have driven through both on many occasions.

    No, because Christians typically shun all other religions. So anytime they encounter another they are more likely to not learn about it because of their religion saying there is no other religion that is right besides theirs. Another thing that isn’t a south only trait. Southern Baptists are probably the worst with this kind of thing. I’ve got stories

    The ironic part about that is that mindset is completely anti-Christian. Jesus Christ taught tolerance. Something the average southern Christian, like the baptists you speak of, are not.

    Do fucking what? Go back and read what you said about corruption in the government. Has fuck all to do with the culture. Jerrymandering is a motherfucker.

    The reason why we have issues like gerrymandering and the active threat against voting rights can be traced as far back to the leniency towards the south after the Civil War by Andrew Johnson. He allowed those that were in power in the south before and during the Civil War to stay in power after. By keeping the same leadership installed, you keep the same mindset.

    And when you want me to define the South, do you mean what states? The Southern Culture? The Confederacy? What exactly would you like me to define in my own terms?