Audio engineer and systems administrator.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Except the majority didn’t put those people in power when we’re talking about Texas. Texas is not majority Republican. Most of the Democrats are concentrated in the urban areas - Dallas/FW, Houston, Austin, etc. Nevertheless, there’s a nearly 50/50 split in population affiliation. However, the Republicans control the state through a combination of voter suppression and gerrymandering. And, of course, the independent wildcards.

    Point is, it’s not the majority who are keeping the state red. It’s the majority of the people who are allowed to vote when calculated in such a way as to make Republican votes count more than Democratic votes. The state is rigged to keep Republican control regardless of the actual majority.

  • drewofdoom@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI don't...
    8 months ago

    TBH, it sounds like you should go with a distro that makes no assumptions. Like an Arch/Endeavor. It definitely sounds like you’re current distro doesn’t meet your needs/ideals if you’re this angry about a default change.

    Let’s be fair to the distro maintainers, though. They have the option to either keep shipping and developing against abandoned code, or they move with upstream. Since no one is developing X11 anymore, they’re all moving to the new stuff. Most of them changed defaults years ago, too. Hard to develop new features when X is so long in the tooth.

    The writing has been on the wall about the death of X11 for a long time, now. No one stepped up to fork it or take over maintenance. So it goes. But this is Linux, so you’re free to run it forever. Or even fork and maintain it yourself.

    FWIW, Wayland+Nvidia was fine for me. Promising, even, considering how new it is. There are bugs to squash, sure, but there always are in new software.

  • drewofdoom@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI don't...
    8 months ago

    Ummm… Sure… Progress takes time, and it won’t speed up at all if everyone says “it’s not ready,” and edge cases never get tested. I mean, the project is sixsteen years old now. It’s been more than just " pretty good" for years at this point.

    And I doubt that your distro is going to drop X11 session support anytime soon. So if you reinstall, you may need to do one more step to make that the default. Big whoop.

    But the real meat here is that you had a bad experience something like a year ago, and it seems like you’ve developed true hatred over it. Would it help to know that Nvidia and Wayland play nicely now? They have for quite some time.

    FWIW, I had very little trouble with xwayland even years ago. It didn’t really require any setup for me. It just kinda worked. Sure, there will always be SOME weirdness, but overall it’s been working really well for years.

    Anyways, I’m sure you can still toggle over to your X session for years to come. At least until your DE decides it wants to go wayland only.

  • How about we do both? Continue to fund Ukraine in order to provide a stopgap against Russian encroachment and destabilization of Eastern Europe, as well as take care of people in America? It wouldn’t even be that hard.

    Tax the rich so they pay their fair share. Use that money to fund social programs and boost the economy for the middle class and lower. Tax businesses to the point where it’s more lucrative to reinvest in their own companies than it is to make massive profits - this promotes raising wages. Cap executive pay to a fixed rate above the lowest-paid employee. Just like that, the ‘richest country in the world’ can act like it and not relegate their poorest to third-world conditions.

    But you weren’t interested in a real answer, were you? Just shilling for the alt-right and Russia.

  • I mean, yes. Corporations owning towns is problematic. But the way in which this was handled is significantly worse.

    While having their own government generated huge potential for abuse, all signs point toward Disney actually being a pretty good steward. So it’s not like this was some emergency. The takeover of the government could have happened slowly, deliberately, and in a way that did not destroy the district in the process. But that was not the point here. The point was to cause damage to Disney because they dared to disagree with DeSantis.

    Notice that none of the other privately-owned towns in Florida are being stripped out. It’s just Disney, and it’s just because of revenge.

    Due to the way this was done, an awful lot of people are going to needlessly suffer. Not just Disney employees, either. Disney attracts massive tourism to Florida, and that tourism money ends up all over the state. This is a self-own of absolutely epic proportions on DeSantis’ part, and all of Florida is going to pay for it.

  • There are serious concerns regarding potential genocide, and Netanyahu has always been a problematic, right-wing leader that flirts with authoritarianism. I would agree with you on that front, and it’s perfectly fine to draw parallels to other authoritarian regimes.

    However, it shouldn’t take much to realize to that accusing a Jewish nation of being actual Nazis is not only insensitive, it’s antisemitic.

    We can criticize Israel for very real issues. There is absolutely no reason to invent new ones.

  • I think this is a cultural difference. In the US it’s not uncommon for common sense health regulation to get ignored - such as the amount of sugar in soda - because people cause an uproar about freedoms being taken away.

    But if you say it’s about the health of sweet, innocent children… well then suddenly it’s a lot more palatable for the public.

    So here in the US, you can want everyone to stop smoking, but make the case that it is for the benefit of children in order to help achieve that goal.

  • Depends on the state, but finding isn’t really the issue here. It’s a move to a voucher system.

    The idea that they are pushing is to privatize the entire education system. Privatization has been a wet dream for Republicans for many years now, and not just in education. It would further corporatize the country and allow for more money that was once ‘the people’s’ to be siphoned into private pockets.

    So the state gives money to families with children. Those families send their kids to a private school and give that money (plus probably a lot more) to that private school. Public money flowing into private hands. Add to that deregulation of the industry - no standard tests or textbooks. Education will be chaos.

  • That’s kinda the point. They actively want the poors to have to send their kids to the ‘budget’ schools. The ones that charge exactly $2700 / yr / student. Broken computers, empty libraries, overworked and severely underpaid teachers, no extra curriculars.

    Meanwhile, the oligarchs rich people can send their kids to the schools that cost more, teaches their kids how to be shitty to the proletariat, and has a pipeline directly into colleges.

    The whole point of this venture is to siphon even yet more money from the poor into the hands of the rich, meanwhile depriving those same poor of a worthwhile education and giving the rich an even greater advantage.