
  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2021

  • I disagree.

    Cultural marxism comes from Breitbart (although it’s older, Breitbart made it popular for this following reason)
    in order to blame a combo of two easy target groups for the US far-right. Jews and Europeans (this way they avoid targeting their own country or Israel) for what I would call the paleo-transfeminist movement.

    This is the timelime I’m giving of the movement:

    First wave feminism + Cultural Marxism -> (TERF) Second wave Feminism -> (Paleo) transfeminism aka woke culture (-> meso transfeminism -> neo transfeminism)

    Now Breitbart and others US far-rightwingers thinks this means that cultural marxists, jewish scholars are therefore controlling feminism as apparently to them it’s impossible for women to be in power. There has to be guys behind them that are really pulling the strings and of course it has to be the Jews as they came before the second wave feminists.

    My own theory on this, after having read a litle about cultural marxists on wikipedia and it’s sources is that just like woke culture is not being controlled by second wave feminists, but by a group of transsexuals, so did the German jews to second wave feminists. The german jews were either forgotten or they moved to California where instead of taking over the feminist movement, they were taken in by the Californian second wave feminist movement.
    The new movement consisting of different people with different mindsets simply usurped the old movement as they got into power.
    And they took what they liked about the old movement, so you can still see some vestiges of what came before.

  • Does anyone know if Reallifelore is CIA/NED affiliated?

    I know at least one channel being part of something else in disguise.
    China Uncensored is Falun Gong.
    In other words the show is made up of cult members
    trying to make a buck for their CIA-backed cult leader.

    ADVChina I suspect to be a racist fanboy with ambition
    went to China to look for his youtube idol,
    and it turned out that his idol is a racist too and after some talk the idol became quite fond
    of his racist fanboy, and so they decided to make racist content together
    and married self-hating Hong Kong Chinese.
    They’re not CIA/NED assets. Too stupid for that.

    But I don’t know about Reallifelore, Wendover productions or the Infographics Show.
    They feel more than just racist to me, like China Uncensored.

    1. We figured out that working together makes a nation stronger faster than living under a system that kicks or kills people to the curb that you deem inferior and a threat to your position
      and sycophantically suck up to to people that deem you inferior to their position,
      hoping they won’t kick or kill you.
    2. We are disgusted by the above behavior of in one way or another.
      Either the ruthlessness, the hypocrisy or sycophantic behavior of people
      that somehow think are better and more civilized than you.
    3. We followed and notice the disconnected changing narrative
      of a violent political event over time
      and then try to figure out what else you’ve been lied about
      and notice a running theme of issue #1/2 on a global scale.

    Correct me if I’m wrong or whether Im missing something.

  • Russia really needs to understand I think Europe won’t fold easily.

    They already do, that’s why they keep it at SMO.
    You need to understand that they have time on their side.
    Russia’s current goal isn’t to get Zelensky on his knees, but to get the US on it’s knees.

    And how do you think Europe is building out it’s green energy?
    Those windmills and solar panels don’t pop out of the ground
    and with Europe and the US de-industrializing, who do you think is building them?