Standard Deviations are not biodegradable
Standard Deviations are not biodegradable
dont tell emos that there is a dead star inside them, they are already having a difficult time as is
Oh no doubt that ISIS will be an even more horrible hell for the region than even the Taliban. But also what Taliban commits there is beyond the word injustice it is violation of every known human rights and is a cultural genocide. Their incompetence will probably end up killing millions in the region.
I understand that the meme might be operating from a much more simplistic view of ISIS = terrorist = Taliban but nevertheless it is the involvement of the major world powers in the affairs of these regions which enable these groups. Lets not forget that ISIS’ emergence was sped and perhaps even mostly born out by the USA’s involvement in the region and USA’s justification was also fighting terrorism. In the end Russia fighting terrorism in the region might even be the funnier point in this meme.
Brace for “Russia and Taliban good because USA bad” themed replies
they already do a fantastic job of “terrorising” their own local populace, burning food aid, banning forms of art (paintings, photography, music and what not), banning girls from most social and work life, getting money from drugs, kidnapping and extortion.
We can discuss the formal definition of terrorism for pages but I am pretty convinced the meme has a valid point. Sure it is also a government now, so superficially it might make sense to partner with a government to fight local terrorism but when the government is the main source of domestic terrorism, then yea this meme is still funny.
And if they hadn’t secured some deal with the USA and were not in power right now, I doubt they would forever shy away from suicide bombing the fuck out of that place.
Finally anyone who has a grain’s worth of intuition about the world’s politics would know that what Russia calls “a partnership against terrorism” is a cover up for continuing to meddle in affairs of middle eastern countries like many other major players (USA or NATO would call it bringing down dictators for instance). Though this is admittedly separate from what is being discussed here, I was compelled to make this point too.
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frantically presses delete backspace delete
Oops sorry you deleted the last three pages.
Oops you have done undo too much and again deleted the last couple pages.
No can do, you just pressed Z after the UNDOs
A president that reads all the briefs? What a monster!
fucking wireless headphones, they are a menace to society and if not to society, to my life
I think the prompt was: write an article about this train and give it some extra oomph
your boss does not give them you, it is your right (possibly only at a minimal level too)
I ran doom on a GPU!
FMO is the best explanation of this psychosis and then of course denial by people who became heavily invested in it. Stuff like LLMs or ConvNets (and the likes) can already be used to do some pretty amazing stuff that we could not do a decade ago, there is really no need to shit rainbows and puke glitter all over it. I am also not against exploring and pushing the boundaries, but when you explore a boundary while pretending like you have already crossed it, that is how you get bubbles. And this again all boils down to appeasing some cancerous billionaire shareholders so they funnel down some money to your pockets.
What’s the actual scientific value here?
Transparent mice with multiple butts
but with five butts
lets not forget, he is VERY old
we have no idea what happens next
Make a variant with multiple butts
could be rock salt too, ie mix with other minerals
I imagine this is what would happen if you gave a five year old billions