• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • I don’t know where are you from, but I’m pretty sure that if we had assault rifles at Walmart here, politicians would behave just in case. We had a magnicide attempt that got frustrated because the gun was so poor quality and unmaintained that it fucking jammed. We need to take more action, sure, but I still don’t comprehend how Americans are on that level of passiveness, they literally don’t do anything at all. The bravest ones go and vote, I’m baffled.

  • I don’t want to be the guy that advocates for violence, but…

    I can’t understand, in a country so full of guns, that kids are doing active shooter drills in elementary, politicians are not afraid of just getting a bullet to the head for being shitheads. What are your guns for if they don’t serve for the purpose of defending your country from internal threats to democracy. You just have them to kill poor people and minorities or other defenseless people?

    Any other country with that free access to high quality guns would have their politicians afraid of just fucking die. Republicans act as they were invulnerable demigods. They have no real consequences, you have to be a real fucker and inept like Trump to not even attempt to hide your wrongdoings and that just gets you a slap in the wrist and you still run for president. And don’t get me started about the democrats that are just blue republicans and you have to suck it up.

    Again, violence it’s not a first choice for anyone, but how much are you going to withstand before realizing this? Every social victory against class oppression was done through some level of violence against the oppressors, because the status quo dictated they were right and deserved protection from the state, and the oppressed were the ones that got it wrong. You have corporations legally bribing your lawmakers, you even call it lobbying. Corporations are buying your houses, and the little stuff you still have is being taken away from your hands. The SCOTUS takes bribes and has a clearly biased agenda. You don’t even have a fucking justice system that’s impartial anymore. You can’t just vote that stuff out. Sure, vote Biden now, but don’t sit in your houses for another 4 years hoping for fascist to not take over your country the next time. Take actions, real actions. Take the streets, punch nazis, and hold politicians and corporations accountable. Give them some fucking consequences.