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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I think they’re convenient for hanging plants, but with most of my plants I’m more concerned about overwatering than underwatering so they’re not ideal.

    My calathea is the only plant I’d say truly thrives in a self-watering pot. I have a few others in self-watering pots- philodendrons, alocasias, aglaonemas- that are varying levels of ambivalent about their pots. I need to be careful not to leave them too wet and will likely be repotting them into normal draining pots.

  • This is something I worry about as well (mid-thirties millennial), but I’m really hoping it won’t be a problem. Anecdotally, I don’t notice any appreciable difference between myself and my dad (technically a boomer) when it comes to technology, but my mom isn’t as comfortable. I think it’s because my dad spends more time using various types of current tech and is willing to troubleshoot on his own, so maybe it’s just a matter of continued exposure and a willingness to learn.

    At the same time I see my grandparents really struggle with digital interfaces because they didn’t grow up with them and don’t find them intuitive, in a way that can’t be explained by lack of curiosity. It’s almost like they’re not fluent in the language because they missed a critical period of learning in childhood? If a brand new, extremely different way to interface with the world takes over, I guess I could see myself and my peers struggling as well.