Ubuntu Peronista

As an active member of an Organized Community on the global data networks, I assist the Working Masses with the high goal of achieving Social Justice 2.0: Fair, Free and Sovereign software.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • 10 : CLEAR : PAUSE “Mini Moon Age Calculator “
    20 : W=694098 : X=29.53 : Z=365.25 : JN=2460202.6 : REM Julian date for last moon on 25/9/2023 at 2:39am
    30 : INPUT “DAY:” ; D , “MONTH:” ; M , “YEAR:” ; Y
    40 : IF M<=2 LET Y=Y-1 : M=M+12
    50 : A=INT(Y/100) : B=INT(A/4) : C=2-A+B : E=INT(Z * (Y+4716))
    60 : F=INT(30.6001 * (M+1)) : JD=C+D+E+F-1524.5 : DS=JD-JN
    70 : S=(DS/X-INT(DS/X)) * X : S=INT(S+.5)
    80 : PRINT “Age of Moon “ ; USING “###.# “ ; S ; “_days” : END

    Stay SHARP!

  • Darthmouth GRAFIX.BAS!

    100 DEF FNF(X)=SIN(X)
    105 DEF FNG(X)=LOG(X)/LOG(10)
    110 DEF FNR(X)=INT(X+.5)
    120 DEF FNX(X)=INT(100*X+.5)/100
    130 READ A,B,S
    140 READ C,D,N
    150 IF N<=50 THEN 180
    170 STOP
    175 :
    180 H=(D-C)/N
    190 PRINT ""Y-AXIS FROM ";C;" TO ";D;
    200 PRINT
    210 PRINT TAB(8);"'";
    220 FOR I=1 TO N-1
    230    PRINT "-";
    240 NEXT I
    250 PRINT "'"
    255 :
    260 FOR X=A TO B STEP S
    270    Y=FNF(X)
    272    Y1=8+FNR((Y-C)/H)
    274    Y=FNG(X)
    276    Y2=8+FNR((Y-C)/H)
    278    PRINT FNX(X);
    280    IF Y2

  • This a Sharp BASIC suffler for the 40 spanish card deck, for truco and other games.

    20:WAIT 0: CLS : CLEAR
    30:DIM A$(41)*20,S$(0)*32,P$(0)*65
    40:C=0:S$(0)="Basto   Espada  Oro     Copas"
    50:P$(0)="As   Dos  Tres CuatroCincoSeis SieteSota CaballoRey"
    60:FOR S=1 TO 4
    70:FOR N=1 TO 10
    90:A$(C)= MID$ (P$(0),(N*5)-4,5)+" de "+ MID$ (S$(0),(S*8)-5,0)
    100:NEXT N: NEXT S
    110:FOR C=41 TO 2 STEP - 1:A= RND (40)+1:A$(C)=A$(A):A$(A)=A$(C-1): NEXT C: BEEP 1: WAIT
    120:FOR C=1 TO 40: PRINT SRT$ (C);":";A$(C): NEXT C

  • I really enjoyed Cuba, its a lovely country if you know what to expect. Tourism has grown there.

    When I went there several years ago, a three months before Castro passing,

    At the time cubans were using a bimonetary system, exerting differential prices for foreigners purchasing on the islands. So I had to changed Euros for their ECU currency on an official cuban rate (something like 1.2ECU per Euro, I don’t recall exactly but was something like that).

    I bought the cigars on the legal circuit, so I spent something about 20-25 converted € for each individual Behike Cohiba cigar. I negotiated a price tag for the Cohiba wooden box with 24 habanos, something like 270€. That came as a surprise, as they usually overprice in 320€ their official cigar tags and are able to negotiate/bargain on ECUs. I bargain a little, perhaps 5-10% and they didn’t have an issue with that. Some latin american countries works on price bargain, others don’t, so I didn’t want to push it.

    I’m not like a cigar Che, but perhaps was nice business, as there was a 120€ regular box there, with 20 julietas. There were also long a short versions of the cigars, I prefer short burns because the others scared me a little! Not for a starter I would say!

    The first time I tried it seemed great for the first two centimeters and a half, and then the taste exploded, those are not consistent cigars I you know what I mean. They have a great part in the middle and you must smoke them for several good minutes to get to the astounding part. I was learning! With the Julieta that was not so sharp changes in the power of the cigar, it was more even. It was a mild experience compared to the Behike. I was told that even I didn’t choose the most powerful Cohibas, as there are stronger ones. I didn’t want that, since I’m not a smoker.

    By the way, those are like 50€ each in some countries in Europe, IDK if you can purchase directly from Cuba in the United States, but you can get them “as a gift” from third parties.

    The US Dollar was illegal there, it was prohibited and supposedly has zero purchasing power. Most cubans didn’t want to have nothing to do with the american currency. At the time I was told to not try to convert it to Euro in Cuba, but encouraged to do it in any other third country. Supposedly if you present US dollars voluntarily at the Cuban exchange windows, they have to grab the bills “and proceded as required by the national bank of cuba”, as informed by a large sign. But they don’t “rob” the bills from you, you have to voluntarily pass them thru the window, and supposedly they say thanks to you! (I didn’t wanted to try that of course, but I doubt the would destroy the bills!)

    I negotiated with some locals and they bought regular local products and services at their rate (food and some services like internet connection). That was not exactly “legal” but they appreciate the difference, and the law enforcement didn’t give too much thought about that at the time.

  • Hi @SDF, I’m peron, a SDF user from #Argentina.

    I’m an individual interested in historical operating systems, synthesizers, anonymity-respecting communities and cooperative electronic communication environments.

    I certainly enjoy login into public machines, and meeting new friendly people. SDF provides a nice suite of free-access federated services, including its Mastodon instances, PixelFed and now Lemmy. Greetings to all my friends and kind people on the Telematic Fortress.

    If anyone is interested in knowing a bit more about me, you can check this pseudoanonymous bio webpage. http://peron.sdf.org/whoami/

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         ConducTor / IndoctrinaTor / Ubuntu Peronista EdiTor / Hacker