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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This is just my 2 cents, but I’d go for the CPU. Reason being you can upgrade RAM later with more sticks. However, it all depends on your use case, as this is the old memory-cpu tradeoff dilemma.

    Want speed? Go for CPU. Want to have many tabs open, or guarantee a program does not crash due to low memory even if it doesn’t run at full steam? Go for memory.

    Many virtual machines open? Definitely memory. Gaming? CPU… most of the times.

  • I think the term “manly” has been so polluted. I don’t think there is nothing “unmanly” with:

    • Loving nature.
    • Loving your neighbor (even Jesus said to).
    • Loving culture (and accepting other’s culture).
    • Showing emotion (except for you narcissists who use this as an excuse for abuse. Fuck you).
    • Dancing.
    • Going outside just to feel the wind gently blowing your hair and caressing your face.

    We are capable of very complex modes of existing. There is no reason to keep being the same hateful person every day. It takes courage to go out of your confort zone. It takes courage to be a “man”. Whatever it is that word means. Love you all. <3

    Edit: Guys, are comments like this valuable? On Reddit I felt the need to write this way, but everyone seems so chill here…

  • Wait, chill. Won’t comments like this give them an example of “hate-speech” they can use against this instance? If they lie, it’s their problem. Hopefully their users realize it, but if not, we don’t need to feed into their narrative and prove their point. This is my opinion, anyway.

    Edit: I have already been convinced I was wrong. I’ll still leave this comment up, despite the downvotes, so that replies still make sense.

  • Yo! I don’t intend to invalidate your opinion of religion. But I would like to share a personal counter opinion of mine. In my 20s, I was an atheist and severely depressed. Life had no meaning, no objective, etc. And I saw that as a bad thing. After finding Buddhism, more specifically, Zen Buddhism, as described by Alan Watts, I found peace. With the knowledge that life was to be taken like a dance. Pointlessly going nowhere, but enjoying the trip. And so I’m still here. I use this as an anecdote of religion being good.

    Of course, religion can be used to oppress, like anything else. Oppression using kindness as pretense exists. But I find it’s better to look at it in a case by case basis, rather than generalizing. If being religious helps you live life, then it’s good. If it doesn’t help you, then it’s bad. Those are my 2 cents on this, anyway.