The world is ugly.
We(sterners) have been the aggressors/‘bad guys’ for too many decades. We’re still the main(~only) obstacle to ‘world peace’/‘an union of diversities’. ♪ All we are saaying… ♬(, are we even trying ? we could/should/must protect them&us)

  • 106 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • An outdated flag of Afghanistan, here’s the current one, which reads which reads : “I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

    I’m naturally opposed to their sexual apartheid denying girls the right of education(, they can still read though, and don’t have to work), but they’ve been among the 20 poorest countries for decades, and i can only dream about their honesty towards God’s research/worship/enlightenment/direction/…, i’d need to live among them before ever hoping to understand/judge them adequately, and can become many great things(, if they’re worthy and که خدای کول evidently/rationally/logically/mystically/really/. ), it wouldn’t have been the same with a country as wealthy as Iraq, but i don’t know the future, perhaps was it for the best, probably not, i’m an outsider and shouldn’t talk about what i don’t know, it feels like they were right, people dying while shouting/affirming God’s eternal Greatness/Glory/… makes me shiver, it’s perhaps even sadder than thinking about the millions/billions of non-humans currently mistreated, a size larger than any human tragedy, let’s say that we’re gradually evolving towards less evil and that i’m misrepresenting the virtues of the past(, they did many mistakes but wars were less murderous, people were trying, nobles wrote better than nowadays, non-humans were less objectified, etc., i know it wasn’t a blue sky but nowadays is so artificial/dishonest, i.d.k.), if so then i hope we’ll continue to progress and soon stop with thefts, lies, …, and live united in diversity finally learning that hegemony isn’t a desirable goal, nor is it necessary, there’s so much to do and also quite a lot of paths to be afraid in front of us, stopping the possibility of wars/conflicts is probably less than 10% of the problems we’re facing.

  • Yet, correct me if i’m wrong, but in my memories ~90% of the redditors used “social justice warrior” as a.n insult/criticism(, against someone who’s acting excessively nice in defense of someone when there’s no need, like “white knight”, underlining that “social justice” deals with psychological “injuries” and not real injustices, the correct term should have been “societal justice” though since it never dealt with socio-economic matters), while nowadays only conservatives use “woke” as an insult towards other people, sometimes with a larger focus than the previous SJW, targeting everyone believing that some things ought to change in order to make a better world(, while conservatives generally don’t think that things should improve/change).
    Well, i.d.k., would you agree with this impression that “social justice warrior” was used all over the political spectrum ?

  • They’re also saying that these talks about inclusion are racist because positive discrimination is still discrimination. However, when you end a race second-to-last with weights around your feet you probably have more merits than the one ending in third place. Moreover this is about ending social reproduction, apparently India is the example of a long&successful experimentation of positive discrimination for their castes, of course that rich kids are better at school but that’s not justice.

  • It’d be very interesting to think of a hybrid system in which the betavoltaic cells are coupled with lithium batteries to give them some kind of natural regeneration over time(, a phone or computer could recover go from (50, or 20, or )0 to 100% overnight/‘when it’s not used’)

    This current model only gives 8.64 joules per day, but that’s because 86400 is the number of seconds in a day, so if i divide 8.64 per 86400 i obtain 10^-4 , so officially that’s 100μW for 1125mm^3(15155mm)

    To drive 100km in an hour(, i’ll get to the accelerations after this), we’d need 100*200W=20kWh, or 2.10^4 Wh.
    Most electric cars would only enable 4 hours at this rate with 80kWh, but since this nuclear “battery” needs to able to deliver 24h a day, we’d need 24 * 2.10^4 ≈ 4,8.10^5 Wh

    Hence, if we need 4,8.10^5Wh and we have 100^-6 Wh for 1,125.10^3 mm^3 , a rule of three would give us 4,8.10^5 * 1,125.10^3 / 100^-6 mm^3, that’s 5,4.10^12 mm^3, which is indeed 5400m^3 and not realistic.
    Even a 200Wh computer would still need 54m^3, and a 10Wh phone would need 2,7m^3, the size of a car.
    If the output was mutliplied by a thousand(, 100mV instead of 100μV,) then it’d be 2,7dm^3, the size of a bottle and still a bit too big for a phone, but a “free” energy for 50 years, and if i’m keeping the thought above of an hybridation with a self-regenerative battery it’d fill a 240Wh battery every day(, 24*10Wh,) but that’s only if the output was multiplied by a thousand, which is unlikely.
    Thank you very much for the correction, i didn’t know that.

  • Oh yeah, i wouldn’t advise anyone to take this breakthrough as a promise for the future(, as someone who used to read i’m well aware of that).

    But i could counter your objections if you’re interested :

    • it can already be done currently : David Hahn built a nuclear reactor with the radioactive material extracted from clock hands. The nickel-63 is already present elsewhere(, armour plating, boat propeller shafts, …), as well as many other radioactive materials ;
    • **but it’s probably not feasible :**A stronger argument is that the radioactive material is composed of a layer only 2µm thick, in between two layers of diamond, i don’t know enough about the subject to confirm or deny that such extraction would be too difficult/expensive ;
    • and even if it were other materials would be a better choice : Finally, at first sight and in my ignorant opinion, i don’t think it’d add much to a bomb, it seems like it’d only infect people in the vicinity, and is only described in the first scenario here(, see the article titled “Terrorism: Nuclear and Biological Terrorism”), which considers it more useful for polluting water reserves for instance, contrary to ^137 Ce, ^131 I, ^32 P, or ^67 Ga.

    You’d probably have to drill through more than a few of them to have enough radioactivity leaking, at this point the number of people dying because of their stress testing would probably be equivalent to those dying because of chemical batteries explosion. It’d be up to the authorities to estimate the risks correctly and, as you said, we’ll see how much a battery made to last 50 years will cost.

  • The u.s.a. was already condemned in the case of Nicaragua and nothing changed and nobody knows that, in the very improbable offchance that Israel was condemned, they would just act like Russia when the International Court of Justice ordered them to leave Ukraine.
    Let’s say that our medias talk about this improbable success and, even more improbable, support the ICJ and condemn Israel, everyone would just forget a month later. Sure, there’s nothing to lose by trying, but not much to gain either, it’s not the beginning of an effective solution, it’ll be the exact same shit as before.
    And the ICJ wouldn’t even need to be considered the bad guy, the contradiction wouldn’t raise an eyebrow, but let’s say i’m wrong, have an hope in this if you want.

  • They were already finally accepted by Iraq, Iran, and everyone else more than 20 years ago, but instead of giving back the illegally occupied territories to the palestinians they considered that such proposal was dishonest and would come back to bite them, that finally being recognised for the first time since 1948 wasn’t worth it. If even such proposal is rejected then (pro-)palestinians aren’t left with any other choice than fighting them, they unequivocally refused the most reasonable peace offer, because they believe that they’re strong enough to give up on impartiality(, still a unilateral gain for them and a unilateral loss for palestinians/arabs). They could have been recognised but refused. Here.